OK let me get this straight. You bought a MIRAMAX warehouse that MIRAMAX did not own., And you try to insult me ??? Look at what you said and please tell me who the freaking idiot is. I said you did not BUY NOT ONE POSTER from a MIRAMAX warehouse. I stand by that. You now say you bought a MIRAMAX wharehouse that was not owned by MIRAMAX.. Who owned it Tom Loce?????


Oh and I will say any and every thing I have said here to your SORRY FACE. You dont scare me in the least. You started this shit not me. I am perfectly happy to end it. Just shut up. Its up to you.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Halegua Comic Art" <sa...@comic-art.com>
To: "Al Shevy" <wofand...@verizon.net>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Memories of MoPo Past

Al, I'm happy to debate anyone with intelligence.. and I'm not pissed at you. I think that when you have the guts to call people the garbage you have, you should have the guts to say it in person as well. The fact is, you have no clue, you never had a clue and you still don't have a clue. I can back up everything I said with pure facts: I got 250,000 from a Mirarmax warehouse. did Miramax OWN the warehouse.. no. But your tact is not to speak in an intelligent manner, you go right to spouting garbage and using filth for language and when it gets turned back at you, suddenly you don't like it anymore. You truly are an internet punk. You know nothing. No one here likes you in any manner that I can tell and you act like complete horse's ass because that's the only thing you know. Clearly your are a complete lowlife in every meaning of the word and if something sickens you I can imagine what it might be other than the truth

At 04:43 PM 4/21/2010, Al Shevy wrote:
And I can reply to it. Just want all to see your true colors. I have always admitted that I am an asshole. But there are many others and you are one. You are such a man making internet threats to me. Why are you so pissed???? Some truth hurt you.??? Even if you could beat me up(im scared shoot me or whatever it is you think you are going to do to me when you see me) I just laugh at you. There is so much disinformation from people like you. It sickens me. It really does. Thing is people believe that crap you spout out. Believe what you want people. But do your self a favor and look into the facts.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Halegua Comic Art" <sa...@comic-art.com>
To: "Al Shevy" <wofand...@verizon.net>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Memories of MoPo Past

oh I didn't realize you were smart enough to take it off MoPo..
first smart thing you have done

Al, aside from don't forget to say those things to me in person & see where it gets you

you never sold me anything. you are entirely mistaken and you don't have to be acting like stupid fucking moron, but that's why no one likes you.

My posters came from the Kennedy airport warehouse and it's sad that a jackass like you is too stupid to understand the basic tenets of common sense. ie: you don't know everything

but you are a total fucking asshole as your emails prove so well

I'd feel sorry for you.. but I've saving that for much later

At 04:05 PM 4/21/2010, you wrote:
Rich you are full of shit. I don't need to know shit about warehouses.
Majority of the RARE advances that are out there came from me. THAT'S A
FACT. I sold to Kirby and others they know I'm legit. I know what the fuck I am talking about. YOU DON'T!!! You can go fuck yourself. Consolidated was THE warehouse for MIRAMAX until DISNEY took over. The last MIRAMAX film to go through CONSOLIDATED was THE CROW. MIRAMAX owned no warehouse or rented ANYWHERE!!!! STOP SPREADING BULLSHIT. Now your getting as bad as that ass LOCE. You might have bought a bunch of MIRAMAX posters but it was not from them or any warehouse they owned. YOU may think that you did but you are wrong. Get the facts straight. And I did sell you fucking posters. Why the
fuck would I make that up you asshole. Your too stupid to remember or a
fucking liar either way FUCK OFF. And your right I have not said anything becuase look at this bullsit. I hate assholes like you I really do. You know
I fucking sold you thoses posters. I dont get you I really dont. Your a
fucking coward is what you are.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Halegua Comic Art" <sa...@comic-art.com>
To: "Al Shevy" <wofand...@verizon.net>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Memories of MoPo Past

Al, now you are showing yourself to be the biggest holes of all holes
you never sold me anything

and you obviously know jackshit about warehouses too. Consolidated was one warehouse - we didn't get that one. they were solely the distribution point for domestic theatres while we bought the warehouse for international distribution. You would be correct that Miramax does did not have their own warehouses. They rent warehouse space and distributors. We bought 250,000 posters from the "other" warehouse

But clearly, you are indeed the moron that everyone here thought you were back in 06-07-08 when you were posting the usual bs strine you always spew, which is why not one person on this board would defend you in any way, shape or form and therein lay the rub.

the big question is that will you go back to lurking again for a couple more years before your volcanic eruption of bullshit is due. You may want to go down to the sewage plant so you can fill up on your favorite dish, that you may have some more lava to spew upon your next eruption

At 03:26 PM 4/21/2010, Al Shevy wrote:
Rich you are VERY FULL of shit now. Yes I sold you several CRUMB one sheets.They came from Sony Classics. NO doubt about it. You bought them from me right before you opened your website.At the same time you bought a Pulp Fiction. And there is no fucking way you got Pulp Fiction posters from a MIRAMAX wharehouse because MIRAMAX never had ANY pulp Fiction posters in a wharehouse. All the Pulp Fiction posters were in the hands of CONSOLIDATED posters and THEM ONLY. Miramax never had any pulp Fiction posters. I know I was one of the only people to have a roll of 50 of the rare advance. This was at a time when Disney was just picking up Miramax and Miramax NEVER dealt with any posters.CONSOLIDATED DID ALL OF MIRAMAX POSTERS untill DISNEY took over. They all went throught Consolated Posters . So you my friend are FULL OF SHIIITTTTTT. Oh wait my bad you do have 6 tubes from Miramax. THey all have Miramax Stamps on the back of them right. YOU ASSHOLE!!!!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Halegua Comic Art" <sa...@comic-art.com> To: "Al Shevy" <wofand...@verizon.net>; <MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 6:10 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Memories of MoPo Past

At 03:03 PM 4/21/2010, Al Shevy wrote:
Now come on Rich!!!! Your asshole side is showing. Did you try to do some muckraking and now your face is full of muck???? If you dont have an opinion they why spout off??? Fact is you do and it is like you right now FULL OF SHIT!!!! I dont have to pove anything to you or anyone else. As far as my ebay prices I never started a auction over 9.95 be it a 30.00 item or a 2000.00 item. My ebay auctions all always started at 9.95 so this bullshit that my ebay prices were high is just that BULLshit. This is also a reflection of your socalled info and hersay about me . Since your memory is so bad and confused I will remind you of one of the deals that we did. I sold you several CRUMB onesheets. You bought one off me on ebay and then several more. I had a tube of 50 of them. I also sold you a regular Pulp Fiction one sheet and other posters. You were very happy with the condition on them.

Nope Al.you have it all wrong.. you never sold me any Crumb one-sheets as I never owned one until 2 years ago which I bought in Santa Monica. Furthermore, I would never have bought a Pulp Fiction poster from you because the first time I ever had that poster was when I got 6 tubes full of them in a warehouse deal emptying out Miramax in 2003 and clearly there would be no reason for me to buy more of them. So no, we obviously never did any business as you clearly don't even know who you've sold jack shit to. So thanks for showing your asshole side and spouting off, because now everyone knows that whether you're a crook or not, you are so very clearly an asshole.

thanks for clarifying that fact for everyone.. now we can "Al Shevy" you some more in public


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