
There's also a lesson for sellers (and owners): If you come across a previously unknown treasure trove of valuable rare material, don't go shouting it to the world and trying to sell it all on the market at one time (thus depressing prices). Dribble it out one item at a time, slowly, over the years.

rixpost...@aol.com wrote:
Hi, Bruce,
Even though I wasn't at the Christie's Auction, I'm sure Stan Caiden was (I'm sure he died shortly after--not sure of date). Anyway, in my "poster travels" at the time, I'd come across an original It Happened One Night US 1-Sheet (the style in which Gable doesn't look like Gable). For that reason. I decided to sell it (much to my regret 20 years later). Anyway, someone had given me Stan Caiden's phone number--so I called him up, thinking he might be interested in the It Happened One Night one sheet (not realizing he was very sick at the time). He was very nice to me--a gentleman--although I remember his voice sounded very whispy and weak. I remember he told me, "My life would be complete if I could just find a one sheet on The Jazz Singer..." A few minutes later, I thanked him and said "goodbye"---I think less than 6 months later, he'd passed away. The strange irony of this situation is that a year or two later, a whole shitload of Jazz Singer material appeared "out of the woodwork"---Orig US 1-sheets, 6-sheets + more. Stan's dream-fine had arrived somewhat late...but in a greater quantity than I'm sure he'd ever anticipated. Kind of took the luster off of material on The Jazz Singer, which had previously been virtually impossible to find. I think there's a lesson for all movie poster collectors here. Whenever you think a title..any title..is "impossible" to find material on...as was the case with The Jazz Singer...sometimes Fate steps in of the planets align correctly...hey, I don't know what happens...all I know is that you can't take anything for granted in this hobby. Anything can appear at any time, no matter how rare it might be perceived to be. I know only the old-timers will probably recognize Stan Caiden's name, but he had quite an incredible collection of movie posters...even if it didn't include a Jazz Singer one sheet...

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