It seems like the show was lightly attended this year by both buyers and 
I was only at the show for a few hours because I really didn't have much money 
to spend.  Mainly because I had put most of my funds towards a poster that I 
wanted in the auction.  I bought a couple of items off the dealer floor, one of 
them from Rich.
I did see a Chinatown one sheet that was hanging behind a dealer table that I 
wanted, but once again it was another case of the seller's table being covered 
up the three times I came by to try to buy the poster.

Bruce Hershenson stated in his weekly news letter that the show needed an 
update.   And I agree with that.  I have no interest in silent movies, as far 
as watching them.  There are a ton of newer movies that it would be cool to see 
on the big screen. 
Also, I know I'm not a big buyer or a well known seller,  but when I register 
for the show the people that check my wife and I in act like they could care 
less we're there.  I don't expect a 20 gun salute, but a smile and thanks for 
attending or something would be nice.
I have to admit I'm getting to the point where I hate to dig through stacks of 
posters and LCS.  When I was younger, I loved doing it.  Now I find it boring.  
More and more, even with the fact I live in Columbus, I question whether it's 
worth my time to go to the show each year.  If it wasn't for seeing some of the 
sellers I know,  I think the answer would be no.
John W 


From: "" <>
Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 4:18:38 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Cinevent news & review...

For me Columbus was a state of closure and the begining of a future.

I have made friends at Cinevent who have become part of my family. I had Cancer 
and couldn't attend Cinevent for the past two years. At one point I thought I'd 
never see these guys again. So for me Cinevent this year was something of an 
emotional time.

As for the report on the show, there were less dealers (some having sadly 
passed away or some who just couldn't attend), and I feel that the choice of 
items has lessened since I was last there. There is also a cahnge in the habits 
of collectors and dealers. Many more stills were being bought and sold rather 
than posters. 

Cinevent for me was never about the collectors it was always a traders show and 
there seemed to be less trading going on this year, but it was so good to be 
amongst friends that are treasured.

-----Original Message-----
From: Diane Jeffrey <>
Sent: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 2:06
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Cinevent news & review...

The last time I was at Cinevent was in maybe 2004, and I had a table upstairs.  
I was there this year, the good part of Friday, and I have to say that it 
seemed smaller and not as many people attending.  There seemed to be the same 
amount of posters in the auction though.
I really enjoyed meeting Rich, Sean, Peter, Zeev and spent some time with Jim 
Gresham.  I saw some old clients/friends, so it was great for me!
Studio C
----- Original Message ----- 
>From: Dave Rosen 
>Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 12:41 PM
>Subject: Re: [MOPO] Cinevent news & review...
>Thanks, Franc, it's nice to get a first-hand report on an event that is often 
>touted as THE movie poster event of the year.
>How about the rest of you?
>What, Franc was the only Mopoer in Columbus? Rich? Sean? Nothing to report? 
>Anyone attend the auction? Any surprises? Fakes in the foyer? Fistfights in 
>the dealers' room? Strippers in the penthouse? What? Hellooooo....
>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: Franc 
>>To: 'Dave Rosen' ; MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU 
>>Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 9:20 AM
>>Subject: RE: [MOPO] Cinevent news & review...
>>I went to Cinevent this year and as always it was great seeing those dealers 
>>that I only get to connect with once a year. I don't sell at Cinevent. I only 
>>sell on-line but I was touched to meet two wonderful women whom I have been 
>>selling lobby cards to for years but have never met who went out of there way 
>>to hunt me down on the dealers' floor in order to introduce themselves. I 
>>thought the selling mood among dealers was much improved over last year. I 
>>also think some dealers have hiked their prices up to the point that it only 
>>makes sense for me to buy from them if it is something I plan to keep in my 
>>permanent collection and not resell. Most of the dealers wer willing to 
>>negotiate as always and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed myself this year 
>>because I did not stay at that Ramada Hotel, which I have already commented 
>>on in the past. I had a terrific dinner at Mitchell's Ocean Club in Eaton and 
>>visited the Columbus Zoo which is spectacular. FRANC
>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: MoPo List [] On Behalf Of Dave Rosen
>>>Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 7:54 AM
>>>Subject: [MOPO] Cinevent news & review...
>>>I'd like to hear how Cinevent went as well (I wasn't there) but thought we 
>>>should have a thread devoted solely to that, if people don't mind. Just so 
>>>stuff doesn't get tacked onto another thread...
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