I would rather buy it from you anyway, Rich.

From: Richard Halegua Comic Art <sa...@comic-art.com>
To: John Waldman <jhnwald...@yahoo.com>; MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU
Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 2:04:04 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Cinevent news & review...

John is right.. He'll be able to find a Chinatown poster in my next 1 sheet 
which starts next week if anyone is interested

: - ) 

At 10:37 AM 6/9/2010, John Waldman wrote:

>You're right, I'm not the collector I used to be.  I now spend 100 times what 
>I did in the past.  And I have a lot more options as far as where I can buy a 
>Chinatown poster.  I don't have to buy that poster from a Cinevent dealer, or 
>go to any other show to find that poster for that matter.
>John W
>From: Zeev Drach <lobb...@rogers.com>
>To: John Waldman <jhnwald...@yahoo.com>; MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU
>Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 12:55:39 PM
>Subject: RE: [MOPO] Cinevent news & review...
>I read your post carefully, and I have a question for you: Is it possible that 
>you are simply not the collector you used to be?
>I mean, is it possible that in the past you’d do everything to track that 
>dealer down, buy that Chinatown OS you really want, and go home a happy man?  
>Whereas today you’d just as soon complain that things are too difficult? 
>Just a thought.
>From: MoPo List [mailto:mop...@listserv.american.edu] On Behalf Of John Waldman
>Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 12:06 PM
>Subject: Re: [MOPO] Cinevent news & review...
>It seems like the show was lightly attended this year by both buyers and 
>I was only at the show for a few hours because I really didn't have much money 
>to spend.  Mainly because I had put most of my funds towards a poster that I 
>wanted in the auction.  I bought a couple of items off the dealer floor, one 
>of them from Rich.
>I did see a Chinatown one sheet that was hanging behind a dealer table that I 
>wanted, but once again it was another case of the seller's table being covered 
>up the three times I came by to try to buy the poster.
>Bruce Hershenson stated in his weekly news letter that the show needed an 
>update.   And I agree with that.  I have no interest in silent movies, as far 
>as watching them.  There are a ton of newer movies that it would be cool to 
>see on the big screen. 
>Also, I know I'm not a big buyer or a well known seller,  but when I register 
>for the show the people that check my wife and I in act like they could care 
>less we're there.  I don't expect a 20 gun salute, but a smile and thanks for 
>attending or something would be nice.
>I have to admit I'm getting to the point where I hate to dig through stacks of 
>posters and LCS.  When I was younger, I loved doing it.  Now I find it 
>More and more, even with the fact I live in Columbus, I question whether it's 
>worth my time to go to the show each year.  If it wasn't for seeing some of 
>the sellers I know,  I think the answer would be no.
>John W 
>From: "jboh...@aol.com" <jboh...@aol.com>
>Sent: Wed, June 9, 2010 4:18:38 AM
>Subject: Re: [MOPO] Cinevent news & review...
>For me Columbus was a state of closure and the begining of a future.
>I have made friends at Cinevent who have become part of my family. I had 
>Cancer and couldn't attend Cinevent for the past two years. At one point I 
>thought I'd never see these guys again. So for me Cinevent this year was 
>something of an emotional time.
>As for the report on the show, there were less dealers (some having sadly 
>passed away or some who just couldn't attend), and I feel that the choice of 
>items has lessened since I was last there. There is also a cahnge in the 
>habits of collectors and dealers. Many more stills were being bought and sold 
>rather than posters. 
>Cinevent for me was never about the collectors it was always a traders show 
>and there seemed to be less trading going on this year, but it was so good to 
>be amongst friends that are treasured.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Diane Jeffrey <dianejeff...@roadrunner.com>
>Sent: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 2:06
>Subject: Re: [MOPO] Cinevent news & review...
>The last time I was at Cinevent was in maybe 2004, and I had a table 
>upstairs.  I was there this year, the good part of Friday, and I have to say 
>that it seemed smaller and not as many people attending.  There seemed to be 
>the same amount of posters in the auction though.
>I really enjoyed meeting Rich, Sean, Peter, Zeev and spent some time with Jim 
>Gresham.  I saw some old clients/friends, so it was great for me!
>Studio C
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: Dave Rosen 
>Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 12:41 PM
>Subject: Re: [MOPO] Cinevent news & review...
>Thanks, Franc, it's nice to get a first-hand report on an event that is often 
>touted as THE movie poster event of the year.
>How about the rest of you?
>What, Franc was the only Mopoer in Columbus? Rich? Sean? Nothing to report? 
>Anyone attend the auction? Any surprises? Fakes in the foyer? Fistfights in 
>the dealers' room? Strippers in the penthouse? What? Hellooooo....
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: Franc 
>Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 9:20 AM
>Subject: RE: [MOPO] Cinevent news & review...
>I went to Cinevent this year and as always it was great seeing those dealers 
>that I only get to connect with once a year. I don't sell at Cinevent. I only 
>sell on-line but I was touched to meet two wonderful women whom I have been 
>selling lobby cards to for years but have never met who went out of there way 
>to hunt me down on the dealers' floor in order to introduce themselves. I 
>thought the selling mood among dealers was much improved over last year. I 
>also think some dealers have hiked their prices up to the point that it only 
>makes sense for me to buy from them if it is something I plan to keep in my 
>permanent collection and not resell. Most of the dealers wer willing to 
>negotiate as always and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed myself this year 
>because I did not stay at that Ramada Hotel, which I have already commented on 
>in the past. I had a terrific dinner at Mitchell's Ocean Club in Eaton and 
>visited the Columbus Zoo which is spectacular. FRANC
>-----Original Message-----
>From: MoPo List [mailto:mop...@listserv.american.edu] On Behalf Of Dave Rosen
>Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 7:54 AM
>Subject: [MOPO] Cinevent news & review...
>I'd like to hear how Cinevent went as well (I wasn't there) but thought we 
>should have a thread devoted solely to that, if people don't mind. Just so 
>stuff doesn't get tacked onto another thread...
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