agree with you totally.

what i said was the simplest definition of film noir.  (i, also, suggested that 
it takes years of film watching to understand it.)

my point was.............despite shadows and dark scenes and atmospheric 
images, the posters of these films were often SUPER BRIGHT AND COLORFUL.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Halegua Comic Art <>
Sent: Thu, Jun 10, 2010 7:25 pm
Subject: Re: [MOPO] film noir posters

 but i believe noir involves so much of dark, dark camera angles, images & 
shadows and shadows and shadows.

that is really just a small portion of what Noir is Michael. But seeing as it 
is the visual portion, it is what people most often get from watching noir. the 
basic subject matter that was present in all of the seminal noir is this:\

a subject, generally innocent but not always, who is caught in a situation that 
creates a downward spiral from which there is usually no escape and results in 
the death or destruction of the individual

for instance
Detour, DOA, Double Indemnity, Caged, Nightmare Alley are the premier noir 
themes. In each the subject caught in a death spiral is an innocent

Detour: hitch hiking Tom Neal in a car with a guy who dies. That wasn't his 
fault, but he makes all the bad decisions from this point on eventually leading 
to his presumed arrest & execution or jailing

DOA: innocent accountant signed a bill of sale and is going to die because of 
it (how much more innocent can you be?)

Double Indemnity: Salesman gets drawn into murder plot and leads to 
destruction/death (gas house)

Caged: innocent young wife in car when hubby tries to rob a store and is 
killed. she is convicted of being an accomplice which she apparently was not 
and during the course of the film slowly becomes a criminal herself aka this 
has led to her degradation

Nightmare Alley: reporter doing a story on carny workers gets taken in by the 
carnys and eventually self degrades into that which he sees as the most vile of 
all carnys - the chicken head eating drunk called "the geek" which is the total 
degradation of a human being

these are seminal themes of all noirs and are the top of the class. There are 
very many "so called" noirs whose only attribution to the field is camera work 
and thusly, incomplete - and there are also hordes of crime films incorrectly 
called noirs simply because they are crime films. In almost every "pure" noir, 
nearly the entire cast is dead by the climax as in Murder My Sweet (only 
Marlowe survives), Postman Always Rings Twice, the Killing. The other main 
aspect of noir is that it almost entirely deals with the underbelly of humanity 
-  excepting for the innocent victim whom the story revolves around, the rest 
of the cast are the lowliest of the low.

if camera work is the signature of noir, then we may as well say much of German 
cinema of the teens and twenties are film noir (they aren't) or that the early 
Universal horrors are. Can there be anything with darker camera work than 
Frankenstein or the Mummy??

the base of film noir starts with the theme of the story and it is from there 
that the branches grow


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