yeah so I'm doing my usual thing (working on posters) when I get an email from one of my very best friends in the world and this email is titles "snorefest" and his email proceeds to tell me "just watched one of the boringest movies ever - 2001"

of course I told him he makes me sick and that he isn't worthy of breathing air above ground if he doesn't think 2001 isn't one of the best movies of all time (because it is)

well we banter back and forth and he points to these reviews by other obvious idiots

I once again tell him how retarded he is and he says "it needs more lasers and explosions. if the spaceships could transform into robots it would be much cooler"

Now I don't want to embarrass my buddy, especially because he is a member of MoPo, so I don't want to mention my buddy's name (Sean), because I don't want my buddy (Sean) to get nasty emails from people telling him what a lowbrow movie viewer he must be. It's too bad my buddy (Sean) can't see how intellectually stimulating 2001 is (as are the rest of Kubrick's films - each one is a gem).

But to each his own, so I'm not going to mention my buddy's name (it's Sean), but I just wanted you folks to know there actually is someone in our group that doesn't get this film.

Hey Sean.. I mean, Hey Buddy, should I get you a copy of the Last Airbender for Christmas??
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