My opinion only, but collectors in general are quirky, opinionated, often 
obtuse, generally speaking.
It doesn't matter whether its posters, comics, stamps or coins. The same bolt 
of cloth, if you will.
I believe that with collectors there is a certain obsessive nature perhaps, to 
bring some order to their world, in whatever way they can, and that is what 
collecting is about. A need to own the tools to do so.
It can lead us to be viewed as less than logical or clear minded individuals, 
in many instances.
I will say that those qualities can often make for some very fun, witty and 
interesting exchanges, to say the least. But rarely boring!

From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of Alan Adler
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2011 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] The guy from Britain

As a side bar to all this - and perhaps to bring it back to posters a tiny bit -

Do any of you think movie poster collectors are odd?
I know I am -
And the ones I've met and known over the years are some of the quirkiest -and 
often cantankerous - folk on the planet.
So what makes us so crazy?
Left alone in theaters as children too long?
Too many paper monsters under our beddie beds?
Over the top accumulated viewings of Vertigo?
Swashbuckled brain cells?
Cartoon visions of relationships?
Gangster mentalities?

Alan Adler

On Jun 11, 2011, at 9:17 AM, Adrian Cowdry wrote:

I did wonder if I was going to get flack, my shoulders are broad. Those in the 
know will take all the crap below as just that.

Thankfully I have too good a relationship with my friends for me to worry about 
the misguided garbage written below.

As most of you will know I had cancer in 2008 and could not attend Cinevent 
2009. Cinevent 2010 was for me and my friends a close and very much bonding 
time. My friends needed to see me well and I needed to see them. I didn't think 
I'd see them again at one point. convent 2010 was a cathartic experience for 
me, this all sounds very gay...but those concerned know who they are and what 
they mean to me.

As for Ralph, did he get a Marx brothers card? I was unaware. I think I did bad 
mouth Ralph one night he didn't by the beers or something, we had to wait till 
the next night.As for Andrew getting a Goldfinger 3 sheet, well done, if it 
hand.t have been sold the owner was prepared for me to take it on consignment. 
The fact the owner at the time sold it couldn't have been better. In fact that 
owner and I have such a good relationship that I would do anything in power to 
help him in anyway and I can safely say vice versa.

As for the photo outside of Mitchells I needed just me and the guys whom I have 
bonded with, Andrew was new to me. In fact all the guys who were there said no 
to Andrew being in the shot...I was lucky to be there and it was an emotional 
time for me and I needed just those guys...not someone I didn't know and also 
someone who was proving to be offensive and obnoxious toward my pals at the 
very least he was impolite.

Andrew did prove to be entertainment none the least...however it is plainly 
obvious that there is something wrong. Certainly I could care less about him 
and his collecting. At the beginning like most of us I was willing to take him 
into our group but the more impolite he became the worse it was and he insisted 
on getting drunk in our company the quicker the better.  Not the manners of a 


This never happened to the other fella.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Price <<>>
Sent: Sat, 11 Jun 2011 3:48
Subject: [MOPO] The guy from Britain

Greetings MOPO,

My name is Tom Price. I go to law school in Nashvilleand have little to no 
interest in collecting but have known Andrew for over 10years.  Over the course 
of the last twoweeks he and I both have been laughing all of this MOPO and 
video talk up.  All of the comments, lies, bullshit, ect.have, needless to say, 
been fabulous entertainment.  Though I know nothing about collecting,reading 
all of this from an outsider's perspective has been quite the visualtreat.  We 
were both (along with someothers) hysterically laughing our tails off. Very, 
very funny stuff.  AnywaysAndrew will not be posting on the "NOPO" (short for 
NO posters forum) anylonger because he's through dealing with those who lack 
any kind of sense ofhumor.  Good riddance.  Anyways I joined this listserv on 
his behalfso that he could at least have some kind of correspondence about what 
kind ofbullshit was further being said about him. I won't post to this listserv 
or contact the forum administrator unlessdefamation or slander warrants for it. 
He has told me about the events thattranspired this past year at Cinevent in 
2011 and in the previous years.  These are some of the truths that I do 
knowafter speaking with him on the phone.

Adrian Cowdry in 2010 went to Columbus with the intent of getting 
postersconsigned into his Coy's Auction.  Apiece that Adrian wanted to take 
back with himon consignment (a Goldfinger 3sheet) was instead purchased by 
Andrew and thissparked immediate resentment from Adrian.  So much so that later 
on that night whenSteve Sally, John Denardo, Steve Ryan Andrew and two others 
went to dinner thatnight at Mitchells Steakhouse Adrian told everyone "I want a 
picture out infront of Mitchells Steakhouse with everyone in it but Andrew."  
This was the first sign Andrew told me that Adrian didn't likehim.  If it was 
jealously because of whathe was able to afford at his age or whatever Adrian 
didn't like Andrew.  Perhaps this is why Andrew speaks of him as aCowARdy.  
This however didn't come as asurprise to Andrew as he heard Cowdry badmouthing 
another young collector RalphDeluca behind his back all weekend long as well.  
His beef with Ralph stemmed from Ralph buyinga Marx Brother Day at the Races 
lobby card that Adrian had shown some interest in butcouldn't afford it at the 
price.  Adrian came back acrossfrom the Strebin's booth and badmouthed Ralph 
behind his back after Ralphshowed him his purchase standing only several feet 
behind of him.  Anyways getting back to the Coy's consignmentdeal Adrian took 
some pieces from Steve Sallyand a few others whose names Andrew told me NOT to 
mention back with him to England.  They sold a few months after the show, 
andfor whatever reason he did not pay Steve and the others.  Those whom he 
claims "are his closestfriends"  he took the money from theauctions sales and 
did not send the consignees a check a month or so afterwards.  One of those 
consignees filed a lawsuitagainst him for being a deadbeat, fraud and failing 
to pay up.  Whether or not the suit was dropped I do notknow, but one was 
certainly filed against Adrianfor failing to pay.  This consignee whofiled the 
lawsuit that I am mentioning is in that very same 2010 photo taken infront of 
Mitchell's steakhouse that Andrew was excluded out of by Adrian.  As a matter 
of fact four of the people inthat photo consigned Adrianmaterial and didn't get 
paid for over a year (that is if they finally gotpaid.). Eight, Nine, Ten 
months went by and it is a rumor that he finallysettled up with some but not 
all of them, but the fact of the matter is he tookmoney from people and 
withheld it from people for a substantial matter of time.  Adrianfor whatever 
reason tried to get Andrew to consign some of his mint trifoldedJungle Book One 
Sheets to the Coy's auction, but he refused after the exclusionfrom the photo 
at Mitchell's steakhouse. Cowdry resents the fact that Andrewhas a decent 
collection of posters at such a young age.

As far as Richard Halegua's lies about the Ramada (excuse meif I spell this 
incorrectly) Andrew wants me to set the record straight.  He and his buddy both 
decided check intoanother hotel because of the noise levels, smells of smoke 
and urine stains allover the carpet.  Around 11 PM Andrew waspassing through 
the base floor of the hotel where he told me he saw RichardHalegua walking 
towards him.  Upon Andrewseeing Richard, Richard turn around and said something 
to those in the lobby hewas sitting with chatting.  Somethingalong the lines of 
"This asshole is leaving." Andrew overheard it and upon passing him by asked 
Richard what hisproblem was.  Richard Halegua proceededto tell Andrew "You're 
the fucking problem". Then Richard grabbed his pussy in front of everyone and 
flicked him off.  Andrew told Richard to quote "Get some moneyin his bank 
account" in reference to Andrew hearing about how Richard oftenlowball offers 
dealers and asks if he can do payment plans for $300 and $400dollar posters.  
Upon hearing thesecomments Rich walked towards Andrew to escalate matters even 
further but wasreprimanded when a half drunk on duty officer told everyone to 
quite down inthe hallway.

Andrew told me that he was having such a good time at thefour star Westin hotel 
drinking craft beers and shooting the breeze with finewomen that he decided not 
to return to the show.  Andrew undoubtedly went out of his way toavoid 
confrontation with Richard Halegua, but it just didn't happen.  Richard Halegua 
was looking for confrontationso he got it.

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