Congrats to the indefatigable Jim and the other MOPOers who got involved.

It's a shame that Jaime Mendez, the "restorer" who made all of this possible 
and who didn't raise the alarm when these fakes started appearing in the 
marketplace, didn't face charges himself.

As for Haggard, I urge MOPOers not to sell him anything larger than a 1-sheet 
poster whilst he is incarcerated, in case he tacks it to the wall and - like 
Tim Robbins in Shawshank - attempts to tunnel out. 

That said, the idea of him swimming through raw sewage is not an entirely 
unappealing one.

Anyway, well done all, hopefully this will serve as a cautionary tale to others.


 From: James Gresham <>
Sent: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 2:22
After three long years I am happy to say that Kerry Haggard was
sentenced.  The Judge threw the book at him, giving him the maximum
sentence possible of 78 months in Federal Prison.  She would have
given him more time, but then it might have opened the door for an
appeal.  78 months is the maximum with no appeal opportunity.  She
obviously didnt like Haggard and lectured him for about 20 minutes.
He requested a transfer to the Atlanta Federal prison.  She refused to
let him transfer to a Federal prison closer to his home in Atlanta.
As a matter of fact, she also gave him three years probation after
that, requiring it to be held in New York also.  Which means, he will
have to live in that area.  He cant go to Georgia to do his time or
his probation.

In terms of restitution, she sentenced him to $1.377 million to be
reimbursed to the hobby.  Unfortunately, they cant make him give
posters back.  They can hold his feet to the fire, but can't actually
make him give them back.  The good news is that Agent Mike Mullahy has
found at least $300,000 in good posters.  (They also confiscated many
other fakes.)  The Judge order that all funds raised from the sale of
these posters go to the victims, not the Government.  Each victim was
listed in the sentencing, with the amount due to them for

It was also implied that there may be more charges coming.  I am not
certain of this, but it sounds like there are more potential legal
actions in Haggard's future.  I can't convey how much disdain the
judge had for Haggard.

There are some real positives from today.  First of all, the judge was
greatly influenced by the letters that everyone sent to her.  She said
she had never received so many letters in a case, ever!  Thank you to
each person who wrote a letter.  Also a thank you to Robert Ragovin
and Glenn Damato who spoke in court along with myself.  Ralph De Luca
was also there lending support.  I want to send a special thanks to
Sean Linkenback.  He knows why, and thats all I will say about that.
Our hobby owes a special thanks to the FBI.  Specifically Agent Mike
Mullahy.  He did a fantastic job.  He talked to me day & night.  I
remember one time he contacted me at 10:30 on a Sunday evening.  He
went over and above.

Another positive is the fact that our legal system does in fact work!
My only regret is that Haggard is still lying and still trying to
hold the posters for his own gain.  But, the game is far from over.
Overall today was a wonderful day for our hobby.  I personally thank
God for what he did today.  Jim Gresham

Jim Gresham
18501 Henry Ct
Ray Mi 48096
586 677-7669

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