No, no, no.... Luke it always the hero!!!!

 From: Kirby McDaniel <>
Sent: Monday, June 4, 2012 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Rudy Franchi, Heritage, no Inventory

Luke Skywalker?

On Jun 4, 2012, at 7:11 PM, Geraldine Kudaka wrote:

But who killed John Kennedy?
> From: Richard Halegua Comic Art <>
>Sent: Monday, June 4, 2012 7:35 PM
>Subject: Re: [MOPO] Rudy Franchi, Heritage, no Inventory
>the United States did land man on the Moon in 1969
>anything else is a silly conspiracy theory
>At 04:16 PM 6/4/2012, Geraldine Kudaka wrote:
>Ahh... but here's the kicker I
didn't add before....
>>Heritge claims they have sent back all our posters.
>>On our consignment sheet from Feb 2010, there's unsold poster which
wasn't returned this past month.
>>Black and white, on Heritage paper, it states it wasn't sold.
>>Now have you ever had Heritage claim they returned everything, yet you
have PROOF not everything was returned.
>>From: "Walton, Jeffrey"
>>Sent: Monday, June 4, 2012 3:51 PM
>>Subject: Re: [MOPO] Rudy Franchi, Heritage, no Inventory
>>I concur wholeheartedly….you just can’t ship a bunch of posters and
claim fooul when no inventory on your part was done no matter if you
trust that identity or not.  When shipping a bunch of poster I
always make an inventory and send along a copy of the inventory as
well.  So when Grey or Bruce compares the list and there is a
discrepancy there is at least a record.  What would have happened if
the parcel was lost in the mail, then try to stake a claim with the
>>The X-files said it best –  ˜Trust no one.â€�
>>From: MoPo List
[mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of Richard
Halegua Posters + Comic Art
>>Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 3:31 PM
>>Subject: Re: [MOPO] Rudy Franchi, Heritage, no Inventory
>>reading your posts as a outsider makes me wonder about some of the things
you mention in your emails.
>>Are you trying to get a resolution, or are you just trying to disparage
Rudy Franchi and Heritage?
>>Also, do you or do you not think that your own actions are a partial
contributor to your angst??
>>Don't get me wrong.. I'm not attempting to disparage or attack you. I
understand you have a dispute, it was not to date settled in your favor
and that makes you angry.
>>But some thing that you wrote puzzles me. Your own lack of an inventory
>>2 weeks ago, I consigned a large collection of my own to Profiles in
History for their July auction. I have a book collection or hardcover
Photoplay editions in dust jackets dating from 1913 to the 1940s with
additional items up to the 1990s.
>>I have known Joe Maddalena for a reasonably long time and we have done
deals on both a personal level and via his auction house. However,
regardless of my relationship with Joe, when I consigned this collection
to them of 800 books and related items, there is no way I would have let
these items leave my possession without an inventory.
>>For 2 weeks prior to them leaving my warehouse, I photographed each and
every item in this collection. Yes it was done in part so I could have
file images of these items for my image archive, but it was also done so
that in case of any disputes, I could prove to Profiles what I gave them.
This is not for the protection of myself and for the protection of
Profiles. How could I dispute any issues without having such an inventory
in my hands??
>>Did I do this time consuming job for my own pleasure??
>>No Ma'am
>>I had plenty of other work to do, and such a task only added to my weekly
work schedule right at a time when I was actually busier than I had been
in months, and anyone who knows me knows that my work schedule is always
completely full and that I haven't been having lots of playtime in my
wonderful city of Las Vegas. It actually left me with just one day to get
ready for Cinevent, and that one day wasn't nearly enough.
>>Joe may be my good friend and I trust him 100%, but I do not leave it up
to other people to protect my own interests, as much as I would like to
when I don't have any time. If I leave it up to someone else to protect
my interests, I really don't feel I can blame the other party no matter
how many assurances I have that I can. Furthermore, if such a situation
were to land me in a lawsuit attempting to claim some sort of duress,
what portion of such duress is my own fault for not protecting
>>I do remember the days when a handshake deal was a bond, but I have also
felt the betrayal of a handshake deal not being honored, making me wish I
had done what was necessary to protect myself before any issues arose.
Not completing such an action is no one's fault but my own.
>>So the question becomes, "IF" your claims are true, what
responsibility do you think you have in not having done what was
necessary to protect yourself? Do you think this was a failure on your
behalf, or do you think that you have any responsibility at all?
>>If you were to sue Heritage, what proof would you use to prove your case?
Admittedly, you made no inventory, Charlie is 82 and you are also at an
age where things become less clear to the mind - through no fault of your
own.. It just happens as people get older. It will happen to me as well
>>I have thought at times that something is missing and believed I had
given it to someone, only to later find said item in my inventory,
generally somewhere that it doesn't belong, at which point I was forced
to apologize to that person who I thought screwed me.
>>You did not do what was necessary to protect yourself, how can that be
the fault of Heritage?
>>At 06:15 AM 6/4/2012, Geraldine Kudaka wrote:
>>Rudy, this list is not just for dealers.
>>There are a lot of people who lurk here who are interested in movie
posters. They are not professional dealers in the business. Some may be
non-poster business people interested in selling off collections acquired
from either a lifetime of working in the industry, or inherited them from
dad, who passed on.
>>This is also a public list which non-subscribers go to for archived
information on how to sell their posters..
>>As a noted movie poster expert, these uninformed sellers need to know
that you will encourage them to send their collections "post
vite" to Heritage. 
>>You will not tell them that they need to protect themselves by doing a
photographic inventory and log of their posters before sending to
>>You will not warn them that Heritage's inventory process is suspect and
their software probably some home-user Access-like database program.
(Here, I'm referring to security differences between programs like
Quicken and true business accounting software which do not allow you to
change entries without leaving a trail.)
>>You will not tell them that heritage will not return posters they do not
>>You will simply funnel them to Heritage  -- for your
>>For this reason - among others - an esteemed seller on this list posted a
wish that you were dead... 
>>Need I remind you I defended you? This was before I sat down and went
though our Heritage file and discovered what was really going on. This
was before I went online and found that Heritage has been accused by
others for stealing items submitted for consignment.
>>Last -- if you think you have spent "a huge amount of time" on
this issue, get real. Suggesting we comply with Heritage's offer of
selling without commission fees is certainly not an email that takes a
lot of time to write. After Grey threatened us with legal action, we have
spent far more money on attorney's fees than you have... That's a hard
financial cost on top of the value of posters sent to Heritage.
>>While I appreciate your suggestion we go bankrupt "sueing everybody
involved", I will decline your advice. 
>>In the start, I said this list is not just for dealers. My emails are for
the lurking public, now and in the future. 
>>From: rudy franchi
>>Sent: Friday, June 1, 2012 10:41 AM
>>Subject: [MOPO] Reply To Geraldine
>>It seems that I can't post to MOPO without Geraldine popping out
>>a cuckoo bird on a spring. This has gone beyond rational discussion.
>>I've spent a huge amount of time on this problem and Grey has
>>spent the equivalent of days in hour after hour of trying to reach a
>>satisfactory conclusion.  Perhaps Geraldine should just sue
>>involved. After she loses, she can appeal it all the way to the
>>Supreme Court where it will go down in judicial history as "When
I've Got A
>>Hammer  vs. Everything's A Nail."  Meanwhile, I will
continue to
>>occasionally post here and just put up with the tirades. On some of
>>the stock market discussion boards I visit, one can put a
>>annoying person on "ignore" so that their posts won't show up
in your
>>message box. Would that we could do that here.
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