
you mischaracterize some of our positions (those of us who have made comments).

I am neither for Heritage nor for Geraldine

I am for seeing things in a realistic and fair way and honestly, Geraldine is piling on.
and piling on
and piling on

If you look at my initial posts in this thread, I am clearly neutral, and I only finally created this thread after weeks of not commenting on Geraldine's claims at all. I am not a "Heritage supporter" as you characterize. I am all for right and wrong.

It's easy to understand that she is pissed off and she feels she's been ripped off. Whatever the reality - if she did or did not send these posters - the problem I see is that she has no inventory of what she sent, there is a dispute of an inventory Heritage provided, and she disagrees with that inventory

Grey Smith as agent of Heritage has offered to donate a negotiated amount to the charity of Geraldine's choice, even though he does not believe he received the posters that Geraldine claims. I'm not sure what else you would expect someone to do, although it's obvious that Geraldine feels Heritage should pay her directly, even though she has no inventory to back up her claim.

If I was in Grey's position, I wouldn't do anything different. If I was in her position, as the realist that you know I am, I would accept the charitable offer, choose a charity, and move on.

However, Geraldine has repeatedly impugned Heritage, even though she has no absolute inventory of what she sent Heritage.
Don't you see a problem here??

Geraldine wants to say, in different words of course, that she isn't trying to disparage Heritage. I dispute her characterization in that regard completely and as concerns my good friend David, for whom I have lots of respect, when he says no one should be commenting other than Geraldine or Heritage, I think he is completely wrong.

Geraldine, by virtue of posting her claims into a public forum engenders commentary by all of those who are members of this forum, otherwise she should be speaking either directly to Heritage via whatever other form of communication she choose, or seeing as she has an attorney apparently working on this situation and Heritage equally no doubt has an opposing attorney, then she probably should have discontinued posting to any forum as long as the legal eagles are dealing with the issue, she shouldn't probably be saying anything to anyone so as not to present herself in a position where Heritage could counter-sue her on grounds of disparagement and interference as well as whatever other civil tenets she might be offending.

That does not mean I am saying Geraldine should not post to the group if she so chooses. Similarly, she should not be insulted by anyone else who chooses to respond.

To further delve into what David said: "As to how this has unfolded at MoPo - it is my personal view that Geraldine should just post and people who are truly Heritage's friends should shut up." by that measure, David must equally feel then that Bruce should not comment on any issue that involves, Heritage, Movie Poster Exchange, MoviePosterBid, eBay, Sotheby's, Christie's or any similar entity because, well golly, we're all competitors. But before you ask do I really think that should be the case? Absolutely not. There is no reason why anyone here, yourself and myself included, should not be able post our feelings or to comment on anything posted to MoPo - a p u b l i c f o r u m - by other members. Anything else would not only be against the rules of the forum, it would be against the first amendment rights we are all supposed to share. If Geraldine wishes to continuously post her whine, she shouldn't be offended when people respond to it, no matter what position pro or con that anyone takes. The same goes for you, or myself. You continually attack Heritage in your posts and in your marketing approach. I've told you personally my opinion on this and it isn't something we have to agree on. I find no purpose in attacking my business rivals personally. But again, this is not something you need to agree with me and that doesn't mean I do not respect you regardless. I do indeed respect you for the things you do, what have done in the past and also based on our 44 years of knowing each other. I just means I disagree with you, which last I looked is not a serious personal divide. If it was, you probably wouldn't be talking to your own children over some issues as I am positive that few children agree with their parents on a whole lot after they reach the teenage years, and that goes for wives, parents, girlfriends, best friends and employees.

I don't know anyone who I agree with 100% of the time - not even my best bud Sean or my best buds John Knight, Redbeard or even my pal Dan here in Vegas. So I don't think I have to agree with Geraldine either, who isn't even on my best buds list, whether I were to support Heritage or not. But it is disturbing when my friend wants to paint me as something I am not and I am not a Heritage supporter as you characterize. I disagree with Geraldine's approach, and I have commented. If Heritage truly screwed up their consignment, there should be a solution, but Geraldine has to have more than "I know I sent them, even though I have absolutely no darned proof". At some point you just become a whiner.. Take what you can get and move on and forget about it. Otherwise, get a bottle of Pepto Bismol


At 07:59 PM 6/8/2012, Bruce Hershenson wrote:

Now I'm VERY confused! Is the "piling on" that bothers you the criticism of Heritage? These threads actually started out with a bunch of die-hard Heritage supporters "piling on" against Geraldine, and only David Kusumoto stood up for her!

But be that as it may, let me address your comment to me about me not "needing this situation".

For quite some time, Heritage has (or had) a page on their site showing how many more page views a day their entire site gets than mine (and they name my site).

They believe this is a strength they have over my business, and they are trying to exploit it (I will leave out a discussion of the merits of comparing ALL their visitors from a huge spectrum of collectibles to mine).

But when I REPLY to a discussion about a strength in my business over theirs (I do not initiate it as they do in the example above), you say I don't "need this situation"!

Why exactly is this so? If there is something factually incorrect in what I have posted (here or anywhere) please let me know and I will retract it and apologize.

Here's an example of what I consider a VERY valid observation of a major difference between our two businesses:

Isn't is a HUGE conflict of interest when a major auction house own major shares in grading companies, and that they buy graded items from their own auctions and also directly from people who contact them, and then have them re-graded higher by companies they partially own, and then re-auction them to people who bid with a snipe program the major auction house itself owns (and at least some of those bidding have no idea the sniping company is owned by the very company they are bidding with)?

Now if you see no conflict in this, fine. But I don't see what is wrong with my raising this factual query, just as I see nothing wrong with them showing that their entire site has more visitors than my site.


On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 9:44 PM, allen day <<>> wrote:
Howdy y'all,

I am not going to pretend to speak for Mrs Kudaka; she is a member of MOPO; she has every right to post as she sees fit, just as her detractors have every right to label it as horse hooey.

What I perceive as 'getting old' (besides myself), is the 'piling on'

However, there is a great balancer in all this ... delete key.

BTW ... please use the delete key on this message ASAP


From: Rix Posterz <<>>
Sent: Friday, June 8, 2012 10:20 PM

Subject: Re: [MOPO] Bruce vs Heritage inventory & auciton services


Personally, I send all of my high-end pieces to Bruce H., but, man. all this constant negative B.S. about Heritage Auctions is in my estimation truly getting old. Even if Grey Smith was the Devil incarnate, I'd be growing weary of your constant diatribes I have no doubt that most members of Mopo feel the same way. but are too polite to say what they think it to you. If I'm wrong, Mopo. please lie me on a bed of nails and let Rich find great pleasure in urinating on me! For all of us, Geraldine, please silence yourself about all this worn-out bullshit,
                                                           Rick Ryan

In a message dated 6/8/2012 6:49:55 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, <> writes: Seems to me the director of a professional auction company would not say, "Don't worry, we have your posters tagged and inventoried" unless they did have them tagged.

Seems to me, a professional auction company doing what is close to a billion dollars worth of annual sales would have a very good double-ledger type of accounting software tied to a database which could help staff evaluate poster's worth and track it's movement through their system. That same software would not allow an employee to simply remove it's existence from their inventory.

Seems to me if a professional auction company has high end Signature auctions and weekly low-end auctions, posters going in the low-end auction would be in the same database.

Seems to me, if a company like Bruce's which does a high volume of annual sales is capable of keeping track of their customer's inventory, a company like Heritage, which specialized in high end Signature auctions, should be able to keep track of inventory....

The question is, does a high end company like Heritage depend on their customer's inventory to evaluate a poster's worth or a shipment? Doubt it.

From: John Waldman <<>>
Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2012 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Bruce vs Heritage inventory & auciton services

Seems to me a professional auction company would tell the customer to do a inventory. Not everyone knows what to do when they are selling something at auction. It's not an everyday occurrence after all.
A little customer service goes a long way.

From: Geraldine Kudaka <<>>
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Bruce vs Heritage inventory & auciton services

These conversations move very rapidly, especially when one gets loopy after a lot of hours writing emails. My apologies...

I don't know if you've been following the discussion about our submissions to Heritage and our stock -- which we had been told by Grey were tagged and inventoried -- "disappearing". We were never paid for them and they weren't returned.

After Heritage only listed a portion of our posters on their inventory, Rudy Franchi told us Heritage didn't want the common posters -- like the Judge Dredd double sided transparency posters used in light box marquees we had sent in our first consignment batch -- and suggested we consign the higher valued posters to Heritage, and common posters like the aforementioned Dredd to Bruce.

I posted my submission to Bruce on MOPO because there was a lot of talk about my responsibility for sending an un-inventoried lot to Heritage. In fact, some MOPOers said I was to blame for their "disappearance" at Heritage because I hadn't inventoried them or pursued Grey about their status.

Well, at the same time we sent our 2nd batch of posters to Heritage, we sent an equal sized consignment batch to Bruce. Like the Heritage consignment, this consignment to Bruce was not inventoried.

I haven't been posting Bruce illegally appropriated my goods because there wasn't a problem with payments or returns.

The deal was straight ahead and worked without any effort on my part.

And if Bruce wears a kilt or has good legs... well, I couldn't say.

From: Rix Posterz <<>>
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Bruce vs Heritage inventory & auciton services

Wait...maybe I missed something. Does Bruce wear a kilt? Is that what you're saying?

In a message dated 6/6/2012 5:44:47 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, <> writes: I did forget to mention you, Bruce... Sorry.. Mistake as you were the inspiration for my disgruntled attitude... Your regular payments to our Paypal account was what kept Heritage's lack of payments in the forefront of my mind.

Even though your company has done phenomenally well -- an inspiration for any ebay seller that yes, there is life after ebay -- Heritage gets more press because of their huge glossy catalog and high dollar items...

But you've proven that reliability is more important than big glossies.

Reminds me of a producer I knew who accidentally started investing in coin operated laundromats. He loved it. Said all those quarters were the easiest way to rake in the money, and he didn't have to deal with whining actors and residuals. All it took was a part time handyman to keep those machines running.

Quarters add up faster than big checks that never clear.

From: Bruce Hershenson <<>>
To: Geraldine Kudaka <<>>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Bruce vs Heritage inventory & auciton services

Thanks much! That is the huge advantage of having 26 people working here, compared to just a handful (or just two) at many other places. And of course it is not just your consignment, but all the ones we receive (which can be very daunting, since we receive thousands of items per week, of all sizes, from all countries, and from all years). This past Sunday we even added TOYS to our Sunday lineup!

Our job is to make it EASY for collectors to dispose of unwanted items, and to help them get more than they could if they sold them to a dealer. If they need to have notarized lists of what they sent (complete with videos of them placing the items into packages and taking them to the Post Office!) then we no longer serve that function, and our consignors will go elsewhere.


On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 12:12 AM, Geraldine Kudaka <<>> wrote: One point, which Sean inspired me to put into my email rebuttal -- is actually a very important point which I didn't bring up earlier because it wasn't relevant.

The same day we shipped out this 2nd batch of 30-40 un-inventoried posters to Heritage, we also shipped a batch of the same 30-40 batch size to Bruce.

We packed them at the same time, and took them both to be shipped, insured... of course.

Bruce immediately responded by email, and we started getting sales reports & payments to our Paypal account.

In fact, it was Bruce's regular payments that caused us to start questioning why we hadn't heard from Heritage.

So here's to Bruce, for handling out 30-40 un-inventoried posters in a responsible, professional way.

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