Stay away from this dishonest man.  Does the fact that he didn't personally 
cheat you, make him worthy of doing business with? 

I personally LIKE the above comment from Jim.  Why?  Because it's the same 
rationale I've heard OTHERS use - when they "justify" their continued dealings 
or friendships with - or refuse to "pile on" other KNOWN welchers in our hobby 
- (some of whom have gotten big-time adverse attention in the press). -d.

Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 20:50:08 -0400
Subject: Re: Jaime Mendez?

Why would anyone send posters to a dishonest repairer?  He single handedly made 
every fake Horror poster, which means hundreds, that hit the market.  Stay away 
from this dishonest man.  Does the fact that he didnt personally cheat you, 
make him worthy of doing business with?  He made literally almost $2,000,000 in 
fake posters.

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Daniel Kinske <> wrote:

I love working with Jaime. He was always happy to show you what, or how, he was 
doing something and allowed me to look at the various Hirschfeld images if any. 
His years and years of hard work and sweat done to affordably help fellow 
collectors preserve countless rare movie images shouldn't be soured by one 
crone's apple who took advantage of his kindness with their own malevolent 

I know he is more than trusted still and his work is matchless--so don't strike 
a match ;)
-daniel kinske...

On Mar 14, 2013, at 2:43 PM, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:

I would think few people here use Jaime anymore and I dare say probably
none would admit it publicly

At 02:22 PM 3/14/2013, Doug Taylor wrote:

Anybody spoken to Jaime
recently?  I‚ve 3 posters with him and can‚t seem to reach him on
email or phone.




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