>in 1976 Mel Blanc invited me to Lunch in Beverly Hills..at the
Hamburger hamlet.... it was a day ill never forget... I met Mel at a
University of Toledo lecture... he Took me and the lecture Girl
studentUnion  organizer to dinner,,, he asked what I did andI said
played Music... he said well when you come to La Ill take you to
lunch... I thought why is he interested in me...id he Gay or what? 
well I found out years later he started out as a Musician... so he
saw a little Mel in me... he knew rejection as when a Kid his teacher
said he was Blank like his name and never would get anywhere in
life... Itwas national no smoking day and Mel and I both
smoked..sothis english lady asks us to put out our cigs in a english
voice,, Mel turns to her and starts talking Like Bugs Bunny... and I
am rolling out of the booth in tears of laughter as she didnt seem to
know who he was...
anyway,,,, I asked Mel some deep questions like do people have to do
the " casting couch " to make it.. and can I be honest and stay in
show Biz... well his answer has been my moto and what Ishare with
people as it was such a profound impact on me then and I think about
him all the time.. I even visited his son Noelin 1989 with my family
and he held my son Tommy..

Mel said this... Yes you can stay in the business... there are some
Good guys and some not so good guys... try to network with the Good
guys,, simple but I sometimes can feel when people dont want to be up
and up and Ive been tempted and done things questionable myself,,,
but like arudder on a boat you just keep trying to stay on cource and
when we stray.. well get back on track and correct theissues...
make it better, payback those you hurt with kindness, and like
excercize .. and all strive to get better,,, we all sin, make
mistakes.. thats how we learn the feeling of being sorry or wanting
to find forgivness.. hats the entire Christian messege.. so if we
fall get up, improve and start over and just dont do wrong again and
help others nit to also fail...because anyone who sins builds there
own prison menatally and spiritually with no visable bars,,,
repentance sincerely between God and honest wanteing to be forgiven
is the answer.. thats why the truth will set you free is so true.
the hardest partis when we are under presure,, our egos bend as we
say Ill do it this time,,, and then we live in guilt the rest of our
lives,  maybe only I am a sinner if so... dont ever deal with me
either as I am imperfect, goofy and have a weakness for crazy
women..:) plus im cheap... and not very exciteing as I like to live
simple... and imone sandwich short of a picnic,,,, unhealthy.. andI
voted for Obama... and i like ol d people, Kids , animals.. and
currently Im fascinated with  Rye Bread.. and I talk like a Myna Bird
about 1000 subjects most people would never even want to know about..
tweating is a impossible task and texing too as I could never write
two words to say anything.. thank YOU and Good night...I just had a
bone scan and they shot radioactive solution in my veins so I can set
of homeland security at airports and will be hot 18 days.. aint I
just lovely and cute?  give whole new meaning to being ' HOT" LOL  
>---- Original Message ----
>From: davidmkusum...@hotmail.com
>Subject: Re: [MOPO] Jaime Mendez?
>Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 18:14:02 -0700
>>Stay away from this dishonest man.  Does the fact that he didn't
>personally cheat you, make him worthy of doing business with? 
>>I personally LIKE the above comment from Jim.  Why?  Because it's
>the same rationale I've heard OTHERS use - when they "justify" their
>continued dealings or friendships with - or refuse to "pile on" other
>KNOWN welchers in our hobby - (some of whom have gotten big-time
>adverse attention in the press). -d.
>>Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 20:50:08 -0400
>>From: jamesalangres...@gmail.com
>>Subject: Re: Jaime Mendez?
>>Why would anyone send posters to a dishonest repairer?  He single
>handedly made every fake Horror poster, which means hundreds, that
>hit the market.  Stay away from this dishonest man.  Does the fact
>that he didnt personally cheat you, make him worthy of doing business
>with?  He made literally almost $2,000,000 in fake posters.
>>On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Daniel Kinske
><colorfulcomedi...@me.com> wrote:
>>I love working with Jaime. He was always happy to show you what, or
>how, he was doing something and allowed me to look at the various
>Hirschfeld images if any. His years and years of hard work and sweat
>done to affordably help fellow collectors preserve countless rare
>movie images shouldn't be soured by one crone's apple who took
>advantage of his kindness with their own malevolent needs.
>>I know he is more than trusted still and his work is matchless--so
>don't strike a match ;)
>>-daniel kinske...
>>On Mar 14, 2013, at 2:43 PM, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:
>>I would think few people here use Jaime anymore and I dare say
>>none would admit it publicly
>>At 02:22 PM 3/14/2013, Doug Taylor wrote:
>>Anybody spoken to Jaime
>>recently?  I‚ve 3 posters with him and can‚t seem to reach him on
>>email or phone.
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