There's two types of people interested in these results, the first is those trying to sell you an advert on their website, the second is those who have a website and are trying to decipher what these figures mean. If you're in the second group (and apologise to Shakespeare) then Read on, Macduff...

/I'll assume you've logged back into your Google Analytics account, if not, I'll wait.../

*Page Views*

This is usually shown on the entry page of Google Analytics (or on the left menu click Audience/Overview)

In my opinion this is a great data tool and can tell you a lot about the quality of your website and/or products on offer therein. These figures are the TOTAL number of pages viewed and SHOULD ALWAYS be read in conjunction with (the average) Pages/Visit because obviously the higher the (average pages viewed per visit) the better.

How many is a good average? Well that is first dependent on how many pages your site has, but if you are a commercial website (sell posters) with a reasonable stock holding then you really should be double figures average per visit.

Which basically means: if your average Pages viewed per Visit is low then you need to wonder why you can't keep your visitor's attention and time to get to work on your website...

*Page Hits*

This is old school, and as many of us are old, some much much older too, you will remember this...but if you ever see it or have it presented as part of some advertising "strategy", ignore it.

Why? Well, whereas a Page View is the count on how many times a page was "viewed" - the old 'Hit' was the total count of files ON THAT PAGE (being accessed by the surfer). In other words, if someone is on a page that contains 4 poster pictures, a couple of JavaScript, perhaps three menu buttons and an embedded video, then that is ONE _page view_ but _TEN hit_s. A somewhat inflated view of self methinks...

So never listen to someone selling you ads on their website based on 'hits'

*Page Impressions*

Often confused with Page Views

This is simply used by those selling ads on (theirs/other people's) website and really doesn't apply to those of us who have just a website and want to simply improve our viewing results.

Basically an impression counted when an _object on a web page is displayed_ (e.g. your advert), but often this will be 'sold' as part of the total count - e.g. if there are 10 ads on 3 pages viewed, then the count is 1 x10 = 30 impressions which is far better than the reality that your advert was displayed just 3 times (perhaps less if it is on rotation). Don't get me wrong, in the right places paid internet advertising does work but IMHO I would never recommend buying adverts based on impressions, better to pay per click (and set the budget with the supplier).


I hope the above has been of help to someone, I apologise to those who knew all this already, still, no trees were harmed in sending it...

As always, I remind you that having a website is easy, making it work for you is a lot of hard work.


David Rew

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