well now... all i can say.It's hard to know what is the truth and what is the lie these daysI like the quote and Star Wars Where is says there's always a bigger fish

If we knew anything about anythingIt would amaze me
The medical industry the banking industryThe legal industry

It's all a big mess,I can only tell you
As I told my son,It's really not what they do
But what we do that matters

But I was younger I made lots of stupid choices
And I still do
Because we were young20 some 30s
We're focused on Grabbing the carrot

Making money,Find stuff,Achieving What we feel is success
When I look back at all the famous people then I admired
Most of them have passed away
Just to give you an idea
You have there

Hugh Hefner
Elvis Presley
John Lennon
Johnny Carson
Jerry Lewis
Role people that met the zenith of one of what we call success
Yet to me,My mother Who died of cancer in 1999
Was successful Because she put all her trusts into Jesus Christ
That's very hard to do
Because we're pressured byThe economy
Achievements like awards Gross profit margin's
All American disappearWithin a day
That's why during the depression and many people committed suicide
Because they have worked so hard to build their financial nest eggThey have nothing to fall back on

I've actually given Thanks That I had so much adversity
Because it's talk need to be thankful for little thing
Like just being able to pay my house payment
Or my light bill,We're to get some food
This is been a great strain on me personally
Because friendship And fellowship Is the cornerstone of Valley business
Being in the field of movie memorabilia
There's quite Stressful
Especially when they're not even writing any movies
But it seems like People love to reminisce
About old movies Because it brings backMemories
I've been on Drew struzans Webpage Data alerts so many things I never knew he did
So we can always learn new things
I always enjoy Hearing Input From fellow dealers
Like this wonderful post Bruce just posted
I never even consider things like that happening
But Then I also didn't consider the entire world be shut down by a virus
For that we would all of a sudden have racism Rsurge Two unbelievable levels

But I did say I thought that God was in control
And that we would get through all this
In a supernatural way And that kids would actually come forwardFelt turned around the country
There's been a lot of talk about socialism

I didn't study political science in school however
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Started the WPA Work projects administration
That put on employee people  building public works
They've built our Toledo zoo
And they also supported the arts

Also FDR Did the new deal Which was Social Security
Because we've had many turbulent times in industryFinancesHelp
And have relied on the government To bail out large corporations
 Finance many projects Like the railroads
And where is the only country left in the world that doesn't have socialized medicine
I personally have voice vote we should invest in the kidsCollege

Because they're our future They should not be leading with dietIn their 20s
And did you know College education debt
Cannot be discharged even in bankruptcy So it keeps accruing interestForever
No wonder The kids are still living at home with mom and dad
And mom and dad second third mortgage their houses to pay for this school

Its  lunacy

That's why I believe in budgeting Living modestly
Just taking baby steps As nobody's going to give a damn hundred years ago what I did
For how much money I had in my bank account when I die

Whatever been doing lately Is resting Trying to eat well
And Do small things like My bills, I've done some yardwork
Fit Some broken items, And listening to Biblical information
On the end times Which I think we are in right now

I don't ask God to do anything special for me However I asked him to do his will
Because I think he has this all worked out already
I could be wrong But so can everybody else
So I'm just say Let your will be done
And that kind of Anticipate A good ending I tried to see the good side in people

All of us can have remorse and regret And repent for things we've done That we're not Good decisions And we can help people in many ways that might not seem very important but I might be just with that person needs
Which is usually hope

I found a Preacher In Colorado
andrew womack ministries

Andrew offers a free book Calling a better way to pray
They sent me a 8 CD Audiobook =free they paid theshipping too

He's a very humble man Doesn't claim to have all the answers
What I found very enlightening Just after one desk
Called "hypocrites love to pray" So if you're stuck
I strongly urge you to get this just to check it out

www.awmi.com he also puts the lessons online FREE..so it's loaded with info ifyou are curious. he runs a bible collegewww.awmi.net or call 719\635-1111 itmaymake yourdays ahead calmer

charis bible college
all the best,


wheni hear atheists speak i listen as i figure god would understand the test manyask likeJOb did.. soi also listen totheones who claim faith tosee what they say//whentheyask 3900 fora book i getsuspect but this andrew guy seems sincere tome as i asked nothing..ther was a donations slipandi know it costs themsomething so i can give what i wish ornot/

but so far i like what he says/ compared to negative info this gives hope

hope someone can use the infon tofind love and peace

On 2020-06-15 21:25, Bruce Hershenson wrote:
UNBELIEVABLE! 21 years ago, when I moved my auction business entirely
online, I met a couple, Ina and David Steiner, who had just started a
site devoted to online auctions called https://www.ecommercebytes.com/

I found (and have continued to find over the years since) that their
site was one of the only online sites to provide the "straight dope"
about online selling. Naturally this included much negative
information about eBay, as the auction site did all they could to keep
raising fees on their sellers, while adding insane regulations to
being a seller. I left Bay in 2007 after 330,000 auctions there, and
ecommercebytes covered my departure honestly and fairly.

NOW, this has happened, and it is something NO ONE could possibly have
expected from ANY company. The couple referred to in the article below
(although they are unnamed) ARE Ina and David Steiner, and I guarantee
reading this will turn your stomach. :(
 https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/15/tech/ebay-cyberstalking/index.html [2]


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