my childhood friend Mike age 66 is being eveicted after 22 years because the man that owns thehouse has said my friendis a horder he filled a 3 bed home with Books records,posters, toys. evena beatle bass..another mutual friendtoldhimto call me/..ass i went through 2 moves..had toemptya warehouse of stufand myshopso i have experienceinloss quickly

at 66 we dont factor oiin health,divorce..andlegal stuff...and family issues

so mik was told to leave..another friendand wife helpehim geton ssa
he neverpaid in over years as his life was as painterandoddjobsandlikerecord shows...he told me he has allthe beatle one sheets all 4 beatles and evena hofner bas.. but he also has loads of books. mic posters and so much he cannotget laborora trailer to move..pluis he altready has many storandlock units so hersis what i suggested..get mental help from Zeph ,,get church helpandpray to god..

giveitalltosalvation army  andthey could move itand sell inthe shops..

volunteer at a non profit

he has a broke 2003 PT crusier..i called a junk yard and theyoffer 190 i said take it as workingit could bring like 1000andhe has no idea whats wrong with it

hes gettingangerd at his friends and now that i leveled with him hes seems upsetand wont evenanswer thephomne

hes sleep in in a van..total breakdown mentally hes beenm helping a carpet installer lay carpet

so i decide unless he gets help i cannot help him as ive been making phone call to mental health agencysandtheysay he needs to go in by himself

my brother my ex. myson all exhibit thesame issues..they try tohold ontopast memories.. andtheywont let go./..How i survived was i sold off a bulk of stuffepennies onthe dollatlike my 199k videoposters i sold for 0 cents eachbuti gotridofall 100k posterin one shippmentandthats 10Kandi did sameon ebay to dealer buddies..i sold off muchof myindustrial gear,,yeti still have stuffleft to operate what many may havelike 3000 postersbooksand insertsandmisc ijust saved a few thingsin case myson takes over or i can geta helper to list my remains..butwe need to have abilitie tolet GO..myhouse is pretty barren as ilike simple surreoundings..i havea bed.a tv,, a microwave
a fridge and washer dryer..and its nice
if i croak itwill bea easy move for Tommy
I havea few Tools..shrinkwrap machines...and someparts for products..

so i have learned to notspend andbuyinga used computerwas likepulling teeth,,butits paid for NO DEBT..so Tommywill geta newer computerifi bite the dust...

anyways i hope that helps some one...

Imay get my tree removed theotherday thenews said a family was helping the elderly disabled get the trees removed forwhat theycould affored..I asked ifi was what theywanted they saai yes,,,so ill meetwith them and hopeto get thelarge Maple treetaken downn it droppeda limbon my wheelchair ramp on my birthday in 2021

so i hope i can circumvent another tree lim as it hangs over the roof..
otherwise i thank Jesu as i  have had more blessings then ever..
Please consider praying for all mankind..including world leaders like Putinand biden that they restore country not bomb them and rebuild them and help the elderly and kids and familysin all regieons ofthe world and stop the insanity of hate in Politics..
unconditional peace and love is the answer to all issues IMHO
Hollywood dream factory®
since 1977


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