so do you have any unfinished business with Jason, or are you just the peanut 
gallery mouthing off again?
From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of David Kusumoto 
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2023 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Not responding

How about responding to the whole group as well - to avoid adverse consequences 
to your business model in relation to the 250+ members of the MoPo group?

The following is my opinion and not necessarily fact:

When people use any public forum to resolve issues, it's almost ALWAYS the 
course of last resort.  It means unresolved issues have been festering for 
weeks, months or even longer.

When a customer or customers go public - it's because they're on the edge of 
desperation.  And if the merchant in question responds with something like - 
"We apologize for the delay and someone will get back to you tomorrow" - well, 
that has about as much credibility as saying, "the check is in the mail" or "I 
never got any of your messages."

* If delays are due to family or health issues which can't be helped, people 
are very forgiving up to a point.

But if service / delivery issues recur and are spread across more than 1-2 
customers who say "yeah, me too" - a merchant then loses control of his or her 
story and any effort to resolve problems one-on-one - go out the window.  The 
problems convert into something broader that involves staying liquid and saving 
the business over reputational issues beyond a merchant's control - because 
future potential customers - are now likely to pause before forking over future 
dollars for services reported as being undelivered or being unsatisfactory.  
Meanwhile, other customers in limbo - will stay quiet - because they want their 
money back - and if they do - they eventually join the "never again" 
bad-word-of-mouth campaign that spreads like wildfire.   This is why a damn 
good explanation is required that makes sense.

* Merchants who feel targeted - understand this principle better when the 
tables are turned.  For example, you send me $300 for a flat-panel TV and I 
convert it quickly into cash and I then cancel my accounts to block future 
charge backs / refunds - and then ghost a pile of voice mails from people 
asking, "Sorry to bother you but why the delay?"  The aforementioned is 
hyperbole, but customers and merchants aren't mind-readers - and worst case 
scenarios pop into their heads, even if they're off.  But if you heard that I 
have more than 1-2 customers griping about my services or products - even 
politely - you're unlikely to think too much of my reliability score.  -d.

From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Jason Edgerley 
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2023 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: Not responding

Yes the website is down and trying to remedy the problem and get orders out.
Todd and Tommy I will be in touch tomorrow.

On Sep 29, 2023, at 7:24 PM, Todd Feiertag <> wrote:
" anyone having problems with movieposterexchange?"

HA!!  I paid for several items last April and NEVER received them.

I've emailed Jason at least three times.  He originally responded that he would 
send them out after he got back from the Columbus show on Memorial Day Weekend 
but that never happened.

Emailed him several times afterwords with NO RESPONSE WHATSOEVER!!

I just checked and now it looks like the website is down.

Not sure if it's too late to dispute the charge as it's been 5 months now but I 
plan on doing that with my credit card company.

From: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Tommy Barr 
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2023 7:17 PM
Subject: [MOPO] Not responding

I had hoped that it wouldn't be necessary to ask this again, but is anyone 
having problems with movieposterexchange?



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