When I screw up. And I do all the time! I was taught in the army to take full 
responsibility for whatever happened. If you didn’t the punishment was much 
worse. When I screw up with a client. And I do more often the older I get, I 
play a game. I say to myself I am going to make this customer one of my best. 
So many times that customer comes back again and again after such treatment. 
Everybody screws up but it’s how you handle it that make the difference. 
Sometimes you know you’ll never make someone happy. In that case you do your 
pushups and take you hit - and do your best to never make the same mistake 
again. It’s old school, but how I was taught. Speak honestly and share what’s 
really going wrong. Life’s too short to waste it.  Alan

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 1, 2023, at 10:11 PM, Tom Martin 
> <dreamfact...@hollywooddreamfactory.com> wrote:
>  hi mopo - been thinking about all sides and all views...
> My summery is this... I considered mylife and the mistakes ive made over 67 
> years..
> Its beena lifeof learning by mistakes.. wheni used to fix my cars i had so 
> little understanding how to replacea starter or how to dosparkplugs etc..so 
> wheni was 16 i failed many times.. However eventually i learned the right way 
> to change a tire... not to overfill my gas tank as that makes the vapor 
> sensors read  check engine light come on..etc..etc.. that why we take the car 
> to a auto specialist..or calla plumber.. electriti
> with Business and people... its the same.. we expect a certain conduct of 
> service
> rarley do people allow whena vendor makes a mistake froma poor quality item./ 
> Damadge or late shipppment
> Ill speak for myself..wheni would geta order bymail iwould printout the 
> mailing label, Pull the order before the listing ended and even before woulld 
> stage my sales as i listed them so they could be packed ASAP//many times i 
> would ship as soon as the ebay ad ended. and rush to PO the next day... 
> Organization is key..what happens to many vendors is they dont have a system 
> in place to pack and have the paperwork in order like a docket so that things 
> run like a clock...
> I had a guiy in Candad mike Orlando that bid on several items on ebay,,I 
> think one was a dawn of the dead Romeroone sheet..whenthe sale ended i packed 
> and shipped the next day..however he had bid on another poster...!! so whenit 
> ended I sent it to him andi paid thepostage.. as itwas theright thing to do 
> .. he had a brother in NYC forward the packages to him at Hollywood Canteen 
> of Toronto..th point is I put the customer first over  my profits..
> when my post office manage asked me why do you give so much stuff away 
> free..as i would say oh this is a freebe.. many times./// I said Im investing 
> inthe good will of my Business..as when we do business we may lose profits 
> however when you take care of a customer is how you build integrityand trust 
> with others
> you cant impress all people all the time  some will be dissatisfied no matter 
> what as they have false expectations of service or the materials condition
> What I would do is relying on my experience to understand the condition of 
> items over 46 years experience and I would do my best to package the item as 
> well as possible with quality materials and the item would be insured with a 
> tracking number to ensure delivery some of the postal companies for instance 
> in Europe Germany Australia Japan Spain could be difficult so I would cringe 
> when I would get an order from say England because the client would you be 
> upset with the cost to ship to many of these countries
> in the 90s they stop using surface mail that I am relying on for heavy things 
> like books and they stop shipping by bolts and only by air
> The cost of materials has skyrocketed the nice thing about priority mail is 
> that they would supply you boxes for free to package the items in and I use 
> them for one sheets and also for many items I also used Yazoo mills tubes for 
> my posters they were very heavy duty mailing tubes
> In regards to the recent discussion of shipments and items that were given 
> for possible sales I guess the final answer is Buyer beware no matter if you 
> were consigning to someone or shipping to someone what I decided to do is 
> forgiveness and just allow all the people to have the opportunity to redeem 
> themselves by showing integrity and either refunding Funds
> that were given to the dealer or to rectify the situation and fulfill the 
> applications they originally committed to
> The other thing I suggest is praying for the customers loss and set an 
> example and beef up your way of doing business for the vendor that everybody 
> is having a problem with
> It takes years to build up a reputation by doing good business take the seers 
> company for example it was a wonderful company for many years and then a 
> hedge fund investor took over and ran the customer service into the ground 
> sears went bankrupt along with Kmart the issue was poor quality customer 
> service and they didn't stand behind their products and services I knew the 
> regional manager of seers as I was a major sears customer I used glue guns to 
> manufacture my directors sing slate clapboards I want to return a broken glue 
> gun and five managers argued with me that they would not replace my craftsman 
> glue gun the manager that I am you said tell them to look on the back wall it 
> says it's 4 foot ladders satisfaction guaranteed were you satisfied? I said 
> no he said go back in there and get  glue gun and tell the manager  you want 
> it replaced Rose the manager is 70s year-old woman said I've been telling 
> these guys we need to take care of the customer or we're going to lose them a 
> few months later sears went bankrupt all because they forgot to take care of 
> the customer order employees and offer good service I found in my own company 
> based on people like John seers in Alva roebuck to have a great company back 
> in the day around 1910
> When you respect your customers they will respect you and tell their friends 
> and associates of their experiences it's called Goodwill and it's obtained 
> over a lifetime
> There are many stories of famous companies who are able to turn around their 
> sufferings and revive the companies JCPenney is one example
> So my prayer is for everybody that your lives can improve and benefit others 
> in a Positive Way, God bless you all
> Learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them and help others
> SINCE 1977
>> On 2023-10-01 18:43, David Kusumoto wrote:
>> * To suggest you should not weigh in on any controversy surfacing on
>> a public forum - unless you yourself are directly impacted -
>> suppresses opinions from members who have no stake in the outcome - or
>> - that you yourself are a stakeholder.
>> * However frowned upon, all members - myself and others below this
>> post included - can weigh in - or not. I'm not from the school that
>> says people should shut up unless they're personally aggrieved. That
>> view - suggests some are taking sides anyway even when they say
>> they're not.
>> * I strongly believe disputes which go public - ALWAYS occur as a
>> last resort - after weeks or months of frustration KNOWN by all
>> parties. Does anyone doubt this? We hear publicly from the merchant
>> being queried - only AFTER a second customer this week weighs in more
>> forcefully than about being ghosted.
>> ----
>> * 𝗜 𝘁𝗿𝘆 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝘁𝗼
>> 𝗯𝗲 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿. Below was the first time I weighed on this
>> merchant whose name has surfaced not once, but multiple times in 2023
>> alone. If it happens once, no one cares. Happens twice, maybe some
>> concern. Three times or more - that's a potential "pattern" linked to
>> health or other issues beyond anyone's control. Or maybe not.
>> * Merchants know this when a customer refuses to pay and has a history
>> of ghosting other merchants. Just because they're stellar for you -
>> doesn't mean they've been stellar for everyone. Customers know this
>> too - when they pay or query a merchant and discover later that
>> they're not alone receiving less than satisfactory responses,
>> presuming they get any.
>> ----
>> * Remember the Carol Tincup issue (RIP)? She was a great restorer.
>> Numerous dealers and customers wrote on MoPo about non-delivery of
>> their posters.
>> * No one was explaining broadly - what was going on. So I did because
>> I dealt with her. She had one of my items for more than a year but I
>> stayed quiet about it - because I wanted it back and felt she could
>> still do it. We spoke on the phone a lot. She had knee problems.
>> Customers took their complaints to MoPo not knowing this. I did not
>> know until other clients brought her up on MoPo - that I wasn't the
>> only person waiting to hear from her.
>> * I told her that she needs to tell people her situation, that people
>> are forgiving about everything except intentional silence, that she is
>> risking her reputation in our small community. When people go public
>> like this, it can mean that others are seeing just the tip of an
>> iceberg. I was extremely sympathetic. In my last emails and voice
>> mails to her - I begged her to take my damage control advice. I spent
>> an entire week leaving her messages. She ghosted me. At that moment, I
>> wrote off in my head that what she had that was mine - was a complete
>> loss.
>> * It was only then - that I issued my public "opinion" - that people
>> should hold off sending her more stuff until her backlog was cleared
>> and her ongoing problems with merchants were resolved. I only found
>> out she was angry with me - when my unfinished poster and a refund
>> arrived in the mail 2 weeks later. I called her instantly. She had
>> blocked my number. She refused to see that while there are two sides
>> to everything - that ghosting causes people to think worst case
>> scenarios. She had good reasons for her backlog. But via MoPo I
>> discovered she had many customers waiting months to hear ANYTHING from
>> her who were in the dark. I knew why but others didn't. I didn't think
>> that was fair. I wasn't going to write individual emails to every
>> complainant.
>> ----
>> * There is no such thing as a convenient time to have such problems.
>> Anyone who goes public with them - has likely thought about the
>> consequences of asking others "out loud" - if they know what's going
>> on. And someone in the "community" knows - even if they won't say. I
>> bet there is someone besides the merchant in question who knows - but
>> isn't saying - or is contacting people looking for answers privately.
>> * That's what this group does best. And sometimes public opinions
>> from others - is the cheapest solution to group-think inertia.
>> -------------------------
>> FROM: peter contarino <mpexchangeu...@gmail.com>
>> SENT: Sunday, October 1, 2023 10:18 AM
>> TO: David Kusumoto <davidmkusum...@hotmail.com>
>> CC: MoPo-L@listserv.american.edu <MoPo-L@listserv.american.edu>
>> SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] Not responding
>> I am not defending Jason or Rich but it seems to me that Rich makes a
>> fair point.
>> -------------------------
>> FROM: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of David
>> Kusumoto <davidmkusum...@hotmail.com>
>> SENT: Friday, September 29, 2023 9:16 PM
>> SUBJECT: Re: Not responding
>> Huh, odd to get a public insult from a lonely life form that writes
>> like it goes to bed each night with spasms of self-loathing, chewing
>> on its own spine. -d.
>> -------------------------
>> FROM: sales comic-art.com <sa...@comic-art.com>
>> SENT: Friday, September 29, 2023 8:00 PM
>> David Kusumoto <davidmkusum...@hotmail.com>
>> SUBJECT: Re: Not responding
>> so do you have any unfinished business with Jason, or are you just
>> the peanut gallery mouthing off again?
>> -------------------------
>> FROM: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of David
>> Kusumoto <davidmkusum...@hotmail.com>
>> SENT: Friday, September 29, 2023 6:30 PM
>> SUBJECT: Re: Addendum - Not responding
>> didn't mean to imply that only merchants are at fault. There are
>> customers who abuse their relationship with merchants - and feedback
>> extortion or "give me what I want or else" threats do occur. There are
>> customers who are never satisfied unless they get their money back AND
>> push to keep items they don't want - and - on top of that they want
>> more $$ to compensate for their mental anguish or some other vague
>> aggravation. Word can and should spread about customers who are
>> persistent headaches - as a "subjective advisory" for others on both
>> sides of the seller and buyer equation. It's why a customer or
>> merchant who complains in public - can be countered with customers /
>> merchants who describe "stellar experiences." Yelp is not always a
>> reliable forum to get a true picture of performance - nor is MoPo -
>> but if patterns surface more than a few times among diverse customers
>> and merchants - then that's what they are, "patterns." - d.
>> -----Original comment below-----
>> -------------------------
>> FROM: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of David
>> Kusumoto <davidmkusum...@hotmail.com>
>> SENT: Friday, September 29, 2023 6:03 PM
>> SUBJECT: Re: Not responding
>> When people use any public forum to resolve issues, it's almost
>> ALWAYS the course of last resort. It means unresolved issues have been
>> festering for weeks, months or even longer.
>> When a customer or customers go public - it's because they're on the
>> edge of desperation. And if the merchant in question responds with
>> something like - "We apologize for the delay and someone will get back
>> to you tomorrow" - well, that has about as much credibility as saying,
>> "the check is in the mail" or "I never got any of your messages."
>> But if service / delivery issues recur and are spread across more
>> than 1-2 customers who say "yeah, me too" - a merchant then loses
>> control of his or her story and any effort to resolve problems
>> one-on-one - go out the window. The problems convert into something
>> broader that involves staying liquid and saving the business over
>> reputational issues beyond a merchant's control - because future
>> potential customers - are now likely to pause before forking over
>> future dollars for services reported as being undelivered or being
>> unsatisfactory. Meanwhile, other customers in limbo - will stay quiet
>> - because they want their money back - and if they do - they
>> eventually join the "never again" bad-word-of-mouth campaign that
>> spreads like wildfire. This is why a damn good explanation is required
>> that makes sense.
>> * Merchants who feel targeted - understand this principle better when
>> the tables are turned. For example, you send me $300 for a flat-panel
>> TV and I convert it quickly into cash and I then cancel my accounts to
>> block future charge backs / refunds - and then ghost a pile of voice
>> mails from people asking, "Sorry to bother you but why the delay?" The
>> aforementioned is hyperbole, but customers and merchants aren't
>> mind-readers - and worst case scenarios pop into their heads, even if
>> they're off. But if you heard that I have more than 1-2 customers
>> griping about my services or products - even politely - you're
>> unlikely to think too much of my reliability score. -d.
>> -------------------------
>> FROM: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Jason
>> Edgerley <jasonedger...@gmail.com>
>> SENT: Friday, September 29, 2023 4:31 PM
>> SUBJECT: Re: Not responding
>> Yes the website is down and trying to remedy the problem and get
>> orders out.
>> Todd and Tommy I will be in touch tomorrow.
>> On Sep 29, 2023, at 7:24 PM, Todd Feiertag <toddfeier...@msn.com>
>> wrote:
>> "...is anyone having problems with movieposterexchange?"
>> HA!! I paid for several items last April and NEVER received them.
>> I've emailed Jason at least three times. He originally responded that
>> he would send them out after he got back from the Columbus show on
>> Memorial Day Weekend but that never happened.
>> Emailed him several times afterwords with NO RESPONSE WHATSOEVER!!
>> I just checked and now it looks like the website is down.
>> Not sure if it's too late to dispute the charge as it's been 5 months
>> now but I plan on doing that with my credit card company.
>> -------------------------
>> FROM: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Tommy Barr
>> <tommymb...@gmail.com>
>> SENT: Friday, September 29, 2023 7:17 PM
>> SUBJECT: [MOPO] Not responding
>> I had hoped that it wouldn't be necessary to ask this again, but is
>> anyone having problems with movieposterexchange?
>> Tommy
>> -------------------------
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