Liberal policies. There is an easy fix.

On Thursday, December 14, 2023, Alan Heimann <> wrote:

> Firstly wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday season.. sometimes
> you experience something and you feel compelled to share it with a chat
> group, even though it’s not relevant to what we normally chat about… In
> this case, I’m talking about an experience I had at a Target retail store..
> This was at their 42 nd st NYC may have heard in the news
> that Target among other retailers is experiencing a high incidence of store
> theft, which they say is affecting their bottom line.. firstly, I went into
> the store to buy some bar soap… I was surprised I had to get somebody to
> open a locked cage to buy this… I could understand things like razor blade
> cartridges which tend to be expensive, etc. but bar soap… OK then I asked
> the fellow that opened the cage for me if there was a bathroom in the
> store? He replied yes But it was closed now… Really why is there a plumbing
> problem I asked him. no, he said the junkies go in there to shoot up after
> 4 o’clock so it’s not safe… OKkkk… I then proceeded to the self checkout
> all the machines were being used, so I waited behind a person to watch this
> person put about 10 items on the scanner and then put them in a bag without
> paying for them. Not sure how that works, and then finally, as I was
> proceeding to exit the store I noticed three New York City police officers
> at the escalator, a teenager started to walk up the escalator with a pile
> of stuff in a basket. One of the officers approached him, and said you got
> to be kidding… The kid dumped all the stuff on the floor and ran up the
> escalator and started cursing and flipping the bird to the officer… I
> thought maybe the officer would radio or chase him, but just told him to
> get out.. we all read a lot of stuff in the news, but living the moment is
> a different experience
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