*The 872 great movie posters and related items of every kind in my
company's (eMoviePoster.com's) incredible August Major Auction end in two
days on Sunday (starting at 3 PM CST, NOT at 7PM, like our other auctions)
at http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/15.html
<http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/15.html>Note that some people feel
these reminder promotional posts are "too long", or have "too much
information", and if YOU feel this way, then please stop reading this now,
and simply go to http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/15.html
<http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/15.html> right now and look over the
872 great movie posters and related items of every kind that will begin
because there is much useful and helpful information below (including
everything you could want to know about "linenbacking"!).One quick look at
the 872 great movie posters and related items of every kind will tell you
that we have one of our VERY FINEST selections EVER and I am NOT
not only does this auction contain 659 professionally linenbacked posters,
but it also contains 70 "oversized" linenbacked posters (movie and
non-movie)! They are items 7a0222 through 7a0291Most of these cost between
$250 and $1,000 to linenback (because many are quite large, including four
linenbacked six-sheets that measure 81" x 81"). Yet EVERY one will be sold,
no matter how low the final selling price (some of them are currently at
80% or 90% off of the retail prices you would expect to see on them in any
dealer's website, and many are WAY under the cost of the linenbacking
alone)!And of course there are also 588 NON-OVERSIZED linenbacked posters,
and most of those were linenbacked at a cost of $75 to $200 each at the
very least (for the "standard size ones"), and LOTS of those are also WAY
under dealer asking prices, and many also well under the cost of the
linenbacking alone)!I know that some of you have never before purchased a
linenbacked poster (OR maybe never before purchased a non-U.S. movie
poster, OR never before purchased a NON-movie poster), and if so, then know
that there will likely never be a better time to start than Sunday! Why do
I say this about the linenbacked posters?Because currently, with TWO DAYS
left (as of this writing) until these 659 linenbacked posters start to
close, there are an astonishing ONE HUNDRED SIX linenbacked posters that
are $20 each or under, a remarkable TWO HUNDRED FOUR that are $35 each or
under, and a mind-blowing THREE HUNDRED TWENTY SIX that are $60 each or
under! Since (as noted above) most of these posters were linenbacked for at
least a cost of $75 to $200 each (for the "standard size ones"), and, as
also noted above $250 to $1,000 for the large posters, the current bid
price is often well under the cost of linenbacking alone (sometimes a tiny
fraction of that cost).If you go to THIS LINK
you will view all 659 linenbacked posters in "lowest priced first" order,
so you can quickly see how very low priced so many of them are, and they
include a LOT of nice posters!If you have never purchased a linenbacked
poster before, know that this means it has been professionally de-acidified
and mounted onto rice paper and a linen backing, and often during that
process the poster's flaws are professionally restored (and the process of
backing usually makes the fold lines, if the poster was folded, vanish or
mostly disappear). The poster displays far better, and is now
professionally preserved!Yet, sometimes, collectors don't take the extra
cost of linenbacking into account when bidding on these, and so sometimes
the posters can sell for well under the cost of linenbacking alone, which
is downright crazy (and makes for incredible buys). Unless there is a LOT
more bidding on the 659 linenbacked posters closing Sunday, then quite a
few of these posters will fall into this category!Want to learn a LOT more
about linenbacking, and how it works and how it affects value and
desirability? Go HERE
<https://www.emovieposter.com/tips_archive.php?id=1900>) for a page that
gives answers to every question you might have (and it is worth reading
even if you already know a fair amount about linenbacking).Of course, there
are also many of the linenbacked posters closing very soon that are in the
high hundreds or thousands of dollars as well (see direct links to the
current top 40 items below), and if those are of interest to you, know that
LOTS of them are far under where the same or similar posters have sold for
in the past (and there are many posters in this auction that we have either
never auctioned in the past, or only auctioned once before).Of special
notice in the auctions closing Sunday are the many excellent NON-movie
posters! You will find travel posters, war posters advertising posters, and
much more, including some excellent ones of each type! The majority of
these are currently just a few hundred dollars (or far under!), and I
guarantee you that every one is currently FAR under what fine art galleries
would ask for these very same posters! And many are professionally backed
and ready to frame and display!Everyone likes to make great deals, and you
may NEVER find deals better than on these 872 items closing Sunday!
Remember that we have NO reserves or buyers premiums (so EVERY poster will
really have a new owner when each auction ends, at exactly the final bid
price), and we also have honest condition grading, and unenhanced
super-sized images of every item (especially important when you are buying
items that have been restored, and must trust the honesty of the auction
house).That is why it is SO important that not only DON'T we have "Buyer
Beware" (which every other auction house falls back on, which means YOU are
stuck when THEY make a mistake, intentional or accidentally), but what we
DO have is that we stand behind everything we auction, with a lifetime
guarantee on all we auction (something NO other auction offers), so you can
bid and buy with confidence. All of our past buyers over the past 32 years
(and over 103 million dollars in sales) KNOW that we always do exactly what
we say we will, whether you spend five dollars or five thousand
dollars!Often in these promos, I talk about how many items are still at
very low prices with two days left until they start to close (and I did
list the quantities of the low priced linenbacked ones above) but what is
really worth pointing out is that, at the current bid prices, it is likely
that a lot of these items (at all price levels) will sell to dealers, who
will then re-offer them for two, three or MANY times what they paid (and
remember that if YOU are such a reseller, we make it super-easy for you to
do so, since we will supply the buyers with unwatermarked images of all
they buy (on request) and they can even "borrow" our movie and condition
descriptions, so they can have their purchases re-listed to their websites
(or eBay) just as soon as they receive them!BUT WAIT! There is even more!
In a case of "our cup runneth over", in addition to the 659 linenbacked
posters, we were ALSO consigned TWO HUNDRED THIRTEEN non-linenbacked items
we thought were so wonderful that they deserved to be in this August Major
"RAREST OF THE RARE"!I could write an entire book about all the other great
and unusual non-linen items closing Sunday, but I would SO much rather you
see them for yourself!It is important to note that it is not just the
lowest priced ones ending Sunday that represent exceptional values, as
there are items at every price level that are far under where the same (or
similar) items have sold for before, so please start checking them out
now!NO deceptive buyers premiums, NO often hidden reserves, NO deceptive
grading, NO altered images. Just completely honest condition descriptions,
including the pre-restoration condition!Best of luck to every one of you
who bids on any of the 872 auctions closing Sunday, starting at 3 PM CT,
NOT 7 PM CT like our Tuesday and Thursday auctions).*


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