hello folks iam a bit numb
as my Brother Jim has passed at age 61..
Happy graduation Jimmy he was born jan14 1963
and he was a great brother as kids we wer 7years aprt so i didntspend loads of time with him. mom sent himto day careandi think maybe he was treated bad and never told me.. I used to defend him whenhe got Bullied .. he loved music and Magic tricks his dad was polish and loved him dearly but he had polioso he was oncrutches ..steve alsowas a alcoholic and beat our momwhen he gotdrunkand me too...so she divored him Jimmy would visitwith his dad who wouldget grocerysandthhey evenhad a small coin collection. steve died of cirrosis ofliver in 1971 so my brother grew close to our mom she loved Jim when he had a daughter and a son she would visit them the daughter was mentally undeveloped so in diapers at 40...and the boy was just sad as his dfad would notspend time/// Jim was called thelone wolf as he was anti social..then on my birthday he had anotherdaughterwithanotherwomen...it didnt last so my brother got addicted togoing to Detroit Gambling Casinos...he loved to gamble listen to Heavy metal bands and like me he went for wild sexy women..and he called it the Save _a -Ho foundation as he would get goo dancers thatwereon heroin andwild and adopt them and help them whenthey needed money

he had a great heart butwas tormented by a dual personalityof being angered at societyas he wanted tobea fireman and police officer but didnt make as he thoughtaffirmatiive action blocked his opportunity... sohe thought republican andi was democrat...jim never goton welfare or food stams he was too proud,,,and he would always help me over the years at trade shows in my retail shop. he made the costume armor,,andwe went to NYCand chicago..he went into Havac fixing furnace and ac.. fora group that did remodels of sec 8 low income he seemed angered at how people used the system and told me they have cars better then me... he said he was christian andi would say christ told me love everyone even our enemies soabout a week ago he came overout ofthe blue and was sayingthe new freon ac gas was flammableand seemed very depressed bynotgetting good restand he had had a heart attack and stroke about 2 years ago...also like me he found he was diabetic... so Isaid jim well did you go gambling>> he said yes..andi said i think you need some help andilefte likke 3 voice mails onhis phone suggesting 988 mental health help as i thoughthis priorities seeem out of whack,,, well he got upwalked out last time i saw hime and then a week went by maybe less.. My son callls and said Dad the neighbors of jim busted the door open and found him dead inside//// so hes ar the corner geting toxology,and autopsy.... the wierd thing my son said it seems like Jim had staged itas all the info of his life was out whereit could be found hehad a footlockerof Family photos and saveall my music history ,and family history going back to grandparents.. he must have been so depressed..and so all my memories are flooding my soul as on one hand if i believe Jesus words he is with the family and at peace icalled the988and crisisand asked ifiam thinking ok as iam feeling so many mixed thoughts as iloved mylittle brother but mom was worried about him..before she died she told me i was thestrong one b ut she was worried about Jimmy....i said heyiam scared shitless/....i just keep trying..as i had my footamputate.. iam blind inright eye.and part blind left myleft earwent deaf..iam ina wheelchair, my left foot is infected withosteomylitus.. but i welcome God to end mylife i just thoughtits a insult to just die.. but all my friend are gettingold and dieing andillbe 68 aug 112024..andthe world is so hectic with violence, hate. political division.. i just keepaskeing Jesus to return as i am not sure i can weather much else,,,my son is a nervouse wreck from me..his mom and now his uncleand his kids.. so if you all could just say a prayer for my son. mybrother and all my friends andthier famils that would be great and for allpeople inthe world like Israel. UKraine , and the whole Glose.. God bless everyone//// sorry iam speaking outas i know we all suffer similar issues..so best to all of YOUe

Hollywood dream factory®
since 1977


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