Hi Riff,

The main cultprits are:

Self regard

And if you can think of any more that I've been guilty of, do let me know.

There is just one way to speak no evil, and we all need to practice that
from time to time.

Great to have you de-lurk into our time and space this fine spring day.

How's the Cat, by the way?

I take it you haven't suddenly taken to referring to it as a
dog/bison/toenail [amend your dictionary as necessary].


Woody Allen

> From: dkm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 21:54:57 -0800
> Subject: MD: Some Antics.
> *de-lurk*
> Hi all!
> For several months, I have been concerned that the majority of disputes on
> this forum are the unnecessary result of: (1)failure of contributors to define
> key terms; (2)excessive haste in usage of terms whose meanings are too varied
> or controversial; and (3)impassioned or dogmatic attachment to rigid
> compliance with particular interpretations or conventions (such as "THE
> definition" of a given term, for one).
> For definitions and such, I frequently use the "One Look" internet search
> meta-engine.  This often yeilds an astounding survey of the multitude of ways
> in which I might be totally misunderstood!
> Further, I have in my posession three well used and back-breakingly unabridged
> dictionaries from Oxford, Webster, and Random House respectively.  After years
> of pillaging their pages, I have become firmly convinced that if these books
> ever suddenly grew arms and legs, they would instantly leap up and viciously
> beat each other to a bloody pulp.
> Now, having written this, and then having stroked my ego for such a colorful
> illustration, my first ill-considered impulse was to quip thusly:
> "Perhaps Mr. E would care to tell us which of the infinitely many available
> reference works happens to be in posession of the single-handed stranglehold
> on reality proper."
> Five seconds later, I realize that this is precisely the kind of wisecracking
> which I have so railed against (and indulged in) in previous posts.  This
> brings me to the next, but perhaps most important, addition to the above list
> of cautions: (4)too much use of sarcasm or other vitriol in the posting of
> one's point of view.
> A few more lines from "Amused To Death" by Roger Waters drive home the folly
> of so many, including myself, which is especially problematic in internet
> discussions:
> "We strafe the train
> With the bravery
> Of being out of range.
> We zap and maim
> With the bravery
> Of being out of range..."
> I, for one, am not happy at having displayed this sort of "bravery", and this
> brings me to my long overdue mea culpa:
> I have been reluctant to submit any further posts ever since I witlessly
> badgered David Prince out of this forum.  I very much regret my own indulgence
> in too much sarcasm which played an essential part in depriving this forum of
> a highly valued contributor.  It always "takes two to tango", to be sure, and
> we each did our part in leaving our posts open to misunderstanding, but MY
> responsibility is to monitor and govern MY behavior, which is, to put it
> mildly, a full-time job.  I now have a mirror, placed strategically in my
> home, on which are printed the words "Physician, heal THYSELF" along with
> expicit prohibition against "offering" this advice to ANY of my fellow human
> beings.  We'll see how well this works, but for now, let me offer my sincerest
> apologies to all of you, and especially to David.
> Rome can go hang.
> Logic can go chase its tail in the corner.
> I say we all meet at Zeno's for a pint.
> You can't miss it.  It's in Elea, halfway between points A and B.
> (Where all roads lead.)
> See you there.
> Peace,
> "Riff"
> (dkm)
> *re-lurk*
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