Hi Elph,

I had intended to openly castr--er, castigate (ooo! spell carefully! ouch!) myself 
further for the implicit finger-pointing in my "ill-considered impulse"
quip, but in my haste (!) neglected to do so!  Sorry.

Toejam is fine, and yawns aloofly at us both.

BTW, Webster's Doorstop--I mean, Dictionary--defines existentialism as "a philosophy 
characterized by nihilism and pessimism" and offers nothing else of any relevance at 
all...more like a twisted caricaturization of social attitudes loosely associated with 
early existentialism if you ask me.  I find that this kind of ideological agenda runs 
rampant through most Webster's publications, especially from years past.  yes/no/maybe?

In further defiance of linear sequence, here's another
"Hofstadter-ism", for grins:

Anagram: "LOST IN AN ART"


Well, back to the grind. "Hard work and no pay makes no Jack at all!"


Spaceman Spiff

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