Hello Stephen, Bo and all!

Thanks for your thoughts Bo and Stephen.

First Bo if i may?
Quality relieved me of all that science stuff also.
I came to realise that science is a creative activity; a quality activity — 
and high quality at that.
But the static patterns a high quality creative activity generates is not the 
whole of reality is it?
Not even a MOQ does that!

Now and then, i am attracted to the ever gushing fountain of quality we think 
of as scientific endeavour; there are some titillating things going on out 
there, and sometimes it can all be too irresistible? ;)

Now, this is my point:
I thought about 5th level latching from the point of view of quality.
I imagined what 5th level would be moving away from, and how 4th level would 
be manipulated and controlled; how 4th level would be the site of emergence 
for 5th level?

And guess what?
All that irresistible stuff that quality relieves us from is the site of 
emergence for 5th level!
That high quality intellectual stuff?!?

Speculation again — its fun! :-)

But lets get back to quality...

Direct stimulation of the brain bypasses conventional sensory input.
[  Can you imagine Descartes with this! :-)  ]
The move would be pure quality; no one is going to wish to disintegrate ones 
individuality and integrity unless the perceived relationship between 
technology and self was of value? Once emergent 5th level had overcome our 
Frankenstein complex of leaping into the fearful unknown, 5th level will be 
off on its own path.

Do you not feel it to be ironic that the possibility of many minds, 
(intellectual patterns) in a relationship with individuality destroying 5th 
level — as a DQ event — to be deeply challenging to SOM!


In the context of Self/AI relationship, a priori models of anything become 
Intellectual patterns may become fully public?

Best wishes everyone...

Squonk. :-)

In a message dated 6/28/01 11:05:21 AM GMT Daylight Time, 

<< Subj:     RE: MD A fifth quality level?
 Date:  6/28/01 11:05:21 AM GMT Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen Devlin)
 Bo said
 "the point is that I have come to regard the intellectual level 
 as the crux. Most people tend to look upon it as consciousness or 
 MIND (of what Pirsig calls SOM) but it should rather be regarded 
 as the mind/matter division itself. The very idea of a subject 
 observing an objective world. REASON!!!" 
 One of the problems I have with the mind/matter division is language. We
 describe an "object" as composed of matter outside of time itself. One of
 ZAMM's helpful analogies (of which there are several) was the apriori
 motorbike. After reading this it is clear that we assume that matter has a
 stable structure but this is all related to time (even mountains crumble and
 stars have a shelf life).
  If our intellects are reticent to keep this temporal quality in mind as we
 contemplate various ideas we're not going to get anywhere(as we will have
 only a partial view).Perhaps the intelect obscures this temporal
 quality(entropy acting?) to prevent us contemplating our own lifespan, at a
 certain level that could be depressing which is not good for survival.
   The intellect likes hierarchies, boxes, tables and further abstractions
 but the Anahorov-Bohm effect (experimentally verified) is showing that
 matter is aware of its surroundings thus showing that there is an
 interrelationship that the present MOQ hierarchy doesn't address.Quantum
 physics is showing that there is a point where in an experiment the observer
 is affecting the observed,this leads you to consider if the mind/matter
 division is a false construct (as mind "could" be affecting the matter it
 "thinks" it is isolated from and if so where does that put intellect?
 Quality (ie meaning,value) is stilll left strong,
 Language also gives us the false impression that by giving a label to a
 "thing" be it a tree or a metaphysics we have somehow sufficiently grasped
 (intellectually) that "thing". As all of us are aware in any matter there
 are countless interactions happening simultaneously that our intellects have
 no sensory input for yet none of these interactions appear in a metaphysics,
 or if they do their meaning is only appreciated at an organic level and then
 left there on the lowest rung by an intellect that "may or may not" like the
 implications of those interactions. If intellect is the highest of the
 levels in the MOQ hierarchy then why does the hormones and chemicals in the
 body devastate its ability to function in a lot of individuals
 (psychosomatic illness as an example of the intellect?(speculating) damaging
 its body and itself to what purpose?
 bye for now
 -----Original Message-----
 Sent: 28 June 2001 08:36
 Subject: RE: MD A fifth quality level?
 Stephen, Squonk & MoQ Discuss. 
 I have discussed the Quality idea at these moq.org sites for ever it 
 seems, and have heard/seen names dropped (none mentioned 
 none forgotten) all supposed to say the same as Pirsig or their 
 ideas to have some bearing on the Quality Metaphysics. Nothing 
 wrong with this, let me just ramble on a little.
 In the sixties I was fascinated by Relativity and read everything 
 about that, later I got hooked on Quantum Physics and read 
 everything available on quantum-related stuff; for instance Danah 
 Zohar and her Einstein-Bose condensate as the site of 
 consciousness. I also looked into the many  theories forwarded to 
 reconcile experience with the quantum strangeness. Multiverses, 
 wormholes ....etc, but the Quality Metaphysics relieved me from 
 the science folly. 
 I hope I don't sound quasi-religious, it's not that retro-kind of relief 
 the MoQ offers (and I have not stopped reading science magazines 
 completely), but it has somehow gone the scientific path all the 
 way and landed in a new territory. You (Stephen and Squonk) may 
 not have been with the discussion for very long (or looked into old 
 posts) but I guess you have some basic knowledge about the 
 MoQ, the point is that I have come to regard the intellectual level 
 as the crux. Most people tend to look upon it as consciousness or 
 MIND (of what Pirsig calls SOM) but it should rather be regarded 
 as the mind/matter division itself. The very idea of a subject 
 observing an objective world. REASON!!! 
 This is where the MoQ takes leave of everything previously 
 conceived of. We seem to be the stuck in the picture that we 
 perceive the world from some "God's eye view", but in the MoQ 
 there is no upper limit to the Q-evolution and a development above 
 the Intellect may well be possible. So now, Squonk, you possibly 
 see what I am up to: If Intellect isn't consciousness/awareness 
 (mind) then a development out-of-intellect is no supermind. 
 Quantum-computed or not. 
 Enough for now.
 Thanks Stephen for the material you sent me. >>

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