Hello all,

I'm having a bit of a semilandmark problem. I'm working on 3D surfaces with
semilandmarks. (Profuse thank yous to Emma for writing the scripts for
that.) The issue I'm having I think is occurring in the sliding. When I do
populations alone everything seems normal. The semilandmarks do not appear
to be going off the surface defined for them, but if I try to do more than
one population at once several of the semilandmarks slide off the surface
so my PCs get rather distorted. Based on the few individuals from different
populations I've looked at I think I do have interpopulation variation but
I wouldn't expect that to influence the sliding of semilandmarks. Has
anyone else encountered an issue like this with either 2D or 3D
semilandmarks? As with all things R I expect the answer will be something
like me omitting a comma somewhere so any suggestions you might have are


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