Damien Esquerre Gheur <damien.esque...@anu.edu.au> wrote:

> Dear morphometricians,
> I have a pretty big dataset of specimens for most species of pythons
> encompassing most of the size range for every species. I have been
> projecting the allometric trajectories and doing pairwise slope comparisons
> and things like that in Geomorph. However, it seems very obvious that the
> is a very strong phylogenetic signal in the data, as species within the
> same clade tend to have parallel trajectories.

> Would there be a way, for example, to extract a value for the slope and do
> an ancestral state reconstruction on that? Also, is there a way to
> incorporate phylogeny in slope comparison models?

I don't know which package of morphometric programs you should use for
that, but in phylogenetic comparative methods, you can use your tree of N
species and obtain  N-1  phylogenetic contrasts from your data.  Those can
then be treated as independent data points, each of which has your full set
of coordinates.

You could obtain a Generalized Procrustes superposition of your forms,
without resizing the specimens, then feed the resulting coordinates for
each species into one of the phylogenetic comparative methods packages.

Joe Felsenstein         j...@gs.washington.edu
 Department of Genome Sciences and Department of Biology,
 University of Washington, Box 355065, Seattle, WA 98195-5065 USA

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