New files now available:


Thinned data files are only about 20MB versus nearly 275MB for original 
versions. Software is only about 3MB. User's guide only four pages.


On Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 12:57:51 PM UTC-4, dslice wrote:
> I take this opportunity to call your attention to software packages 
> associated with several recent papers that are now available from the FSU 
> Morphlab website. All are cross-platform Java programs that should run on 
> Linux, OS X, and Windows with appropriate Java virtual machines. The web 
> site is undergoing extensive revision, but the software, at least, is now 
> available for download.
> Lab page: 
> Software page:     
> Here you will find the most recent version of *Morpheus et al.* (new 
> development underway) as well as...
> *forAge* - a new forensics program that one can use to estimate the age 
> of an individual from a scan of the pubic symphysis. This program 
> implements methods described in:
> Slice, Dennis E., and Bridget F. B. Algee-Hewitt. “Modeling Bone Surface 
> Morphology: A Fully Quantitative Method for Age-at-Death Estimation Using 
> the Pubic Symphysis.” Journal of Forensic Sciences, April 1, 2015, n/a-n/a. 
> doi:10.1111/1556-4029.12778.
> Stoyanova, Detelina, Bridget F.B. Algee-Hewitt, and Dennis E. Slice. “An 
> Enhanced Computational Method for Age-at-Death Estimation Based on the 
> Pubic Symphysis Using 3D Laser Scans and Thin Plate Splines.” American 
> Journal of Physical Anthropology 158, no. 3 (November 1, 2015): 431–40. 
> doi:10.1002/ajpa.22797.
> These methods/results may well be sex and population specific - we are 
> working on those issues, so keep that in mind.
> and...
> *GPSA* - software implementing a landmark-free method for the 
> superimposition of surfaces with associated distance metrics and 
> visualization published in PLOS ONE in March:
> Pomidor, Benjamin J., Jana Makedonska, and Dennis E. Slice. “A 
> Landmark-Free Method for Three-Dimensional Shape Analysis.” PLOS ONE 11, 
> no. 3 (March 8, 2016): e0150368. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150368.
> Direct link: 
> The GPSA method can be sensitive to initialization - e.g., the 
> initialization might get caught at a local minimum. Initialization is 
> automatic in the current release of the program, but future version will 
> allow more manual intervention to address this issue.
> As both forAge and GPSA implement new methods, you encouraged to give 
> these programs a try using the provided data sets, test them extensively on 
> appropriate data you might have at hand, but otherwise use them with 
> caution.
> Have fun!
> -ds

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