This is the first moment I have had to even look at this resource by Arthur  
Hyde. It is exactly what our first grade team was trying to do last year as we 
 developed a math workshop format to integrate with the very scripted Chicago 
 Math. My approach was to begin each minilesson with a comprehension strategy 
and  feed the skill of the lesson through it. VERY DIFFICULT on a day to day 
basis  while trying to update the workbook so that reinforcement skills tasks 
also  reflected the minilesson. We came up with a generic template that was 
divided  into four boxes (sort of like 4 square for reading) Box1: Write key 
words and  key numbers assoicated with your problem  /box2: Draw a picture of 
your  problem and include the answer in your picture  Box 3) Write about your  
thinking (hoping to access the comprehension strategy here in words) Box 4 
 a new number story showing the same idea as your original problem. then we  
created a supplement packet of problems for each major strand of Everyday math 
 (well that was the plan.... we got to three of them)
Not well received in district by math supervisor but on in our school the  
template was hot. I found our day to day minilessons needed much more  
strengthening ... perhaps this book will provide that missing piece. 
anyway, i am very excited to get this book! Tell me your thoughts about  it.  
originally I was too pooped to even consider another listserv. Not  really 
sure if I actually can keep up with all of it but for what it is  worth:
I am Pam Cucco
I teach first grade in Short Hills, New Jersey
We follow Chicago Math (not the newest edition) 
We are on a pacing schedule to keep us on track (very fast since philosophy  
is:mastery is not needed... more of a page turner pace
We are supposed to differentiate but the district has had to change two  math 
supervisors and has just hired a new one to help us integrate 
chicago math with differentiated lesson plans... newest plan is to order  
differentiation manual provided by chicago math.
Our first grade team is the only one in the building that has tried to  
codify and record our differentiation.... most others are a bit  overwhelemed.
By the by,,,, are any of you just a bit daunted by the amount of planning?  
We are teaching as we revise literacy to include (formally) Mosaic  
strategies,,,, writing to include the philosophy and codification of Columbia  
both for 
minilessons and for conferencing, switching from a FOSS study in  science to a 
more integrated inquiry method with the kits, and rewriting the  entire social 
studies to match NJ standards. OH yes,,,, and figuring out what to  do with 
math..... My persoanl journey is trying to use Middlebrook's textmapping  and 
integrate it with 
Wiggins backward plan for curriculum design and  hopefully upgrade my 
technology skills which are pitifully poor.
All of this tends to make me halt as I did in formal observation with a  
supervisor last week who is only watching one moment in time..... slippery 
from professional developer to out the door.......
Looking for encouragement and support from this group as much as content  
Also I could not use the http provided on your  site
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