OK, I'll check in.  I've just started book clubs in my 3rd grade class, after 
spending the first part of the year doing more targeted guided reading in small 
gruops along with large gruop and conferences. And I'm SO tickled that it's 
working well!  Last year was the first year I started book clubs, and it worked 
very well, but then again I had a very creative, talkative group that got along 
well together. This group has tended to stare quietly at me after I ask a 
question, watching me patiently as the clock ticks away... It's taken lots of 
concerted effort to get them comfortable talking about their thinking and to 
think anywhere past the surface level.  

This past Wednesday we were getting weather reports of ice and snow that night, 
a rare occurance here in Georgia. The kids were all aflutter, excited about a 
potential day off, when Kyle tells me in the hall on the way to buses, "I hope 
we don't get snow tonight because my book club meets tomorrow and I don't want 
to miss it."  Now isn't that a sound for a teacher's sore ears?
Heather Wall/ 3rd grade/ Georgia
NBCT 2005
Literacy: Reading - Language Arts
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