When a member writes to the Mosaic list in response to a prior posting and 
uses the REPLY option, the entire prior posting gets resent through the 
listserv again (underneath the new text).  While I realize it is helpful for 
us to see what you are responding to (or commenting on), it creates problems 
for our DIGEST members.

Could I ask you to consider this option?
When you are wanting to write in to the Mosaic list, do a simple cut and 
paste of the part(s) you are responding to or commenting on.  To do this
1.  START A BRAND NEW EMAIL to mosaic@literacyworkshop.org
2.  HIGHLIGHT the part you want to comment on from the original email
3.  Right click COPY
4.  Go to your NEW email to the listserv and right click PASTE which will 
put that part into your new email.
5.  THEN write your comments.

This saves the server space rather than resending all the connected pieces 
that build up when someone hits REPLY.  It's like a chain is created and all 
those previous messages are then resent- taking up space- and the digest 
people (who get large batches of our individual emails) then don't have to 
weed through what is old (resent) and what is new.

We would appreciate it.

Mosaic mailing list
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Search the MOSAIC archives at http://snipurl.com/MosaicArchive. 

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