    I find it interesting and refreshing to 'hear' your thoughts about 
music.  I have been mulling a similar idea over for next year.  I happen to 
listen to country music on my way to work (45-50 min. drive) and I find that 
there are so many songs that have messages in them.  Usually the lyrics are 
'safe', it would expose my inner-city kids to music they not may not usually 
listen to (although I would ask before I assume this), I would also think 
about different types of music and how the message is presented.  I also 
remember a teacher who enlightened us in grammar school that song tell a 
story.  I remember learning about the words in our National Anthem, the 
history and story connected, how it was written and the circumstances.  It 
was powerful learning for me and I never listened to music passively again! 
I also realized that a songs words written down for me to read was an eye 
opener!  Often times what the words were (I still do this) and what I sang 
didn't always match.
So, thank you for the affirmation of my thinking and the inspiration to 
build on my thinking and begin jotting down my ideas and finding music!

----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Listserv" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] Comprehension in general

> Kim,
>  First of all, please don't ever doubt that you have something to offer. 
> Being new to this profession just means you bring a fresh new way of 
> looking at things. It really gets my goat when other teachers denegrate 
> another teacher/administrator because he or she has little or no 
> experience.
>  Second, you are right about the music. It reflects our culture, and 
> analyzing it may just be what would help these kids open up. At my school 
> we'd have to inform parents and give them documentation of every curse 
> word we encountered. I don't know what Bill's school would require.
>  Keep on posting, the more voices we have in the conversation, the better!
>                Joy/NC/4
>  How children learn is as important as what they learn: process and 
> content go hand in hand.
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