Some of the books my 6th graders enjoyed this year were: Heir Apparent,
Charlie Bone series, Mick Harte Was Here, some read the Eragon series, many
read the Classics *large print, quick reads, with pictures*, Flying Solo,
The Revealers, Homeless Bird, Double Dutch, Gilda Joyce: Psychic
Investigator, A Dog's Life: Autobiography of a Stray, So B. It, Running Out
of Time, Soldier's Heart, and Out of the Dust.

Each year is different.  Surprisingly, none of them 'got into' the Gary
Paulsen books this year---as many have in past years.  My school owns AR
tests for all of the above titles. 

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Gerke Carol
I have an opportunity to add some middle school books to our library and was
wondering if I could get some titles of the most popular books with your
kids right now.  I am especially interested in 6-8 grade interest level, but
a reading level between 3-6.  

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