I have enjoyed the recent conversation and recommended  websites regarding
music in the classroom.
Each year I try to use more music in my room but I am learning the value of
adding movement with the music.
At my school, most of our students are bussed to and from school with a 15
minute period for recess.
P.E. is every other day in an every other 9 week session. We haven't had
gym in 6 weeks.
(But, I do use the gym when the teacher has prep).
Music specialists are few and far between in our district.
I am also a parent of 2 boys with special needs so I consider myself an "OT
I would highly recommend the following to get your class moving and
Raffi is a favorite.
Dr. Jean Feldman has been recommended here before. Find everything you need
at www.dr.jean.org
Steve and Greg have a great CD called Shake Rattle and Roll. They also have
Kids in Action and Kids in Motion.
My all time favorite OT/musician is Gen Jereb. You can find more about her
4 CDs at www.sensorytools.net
She is from Australia and works at a sensory integration camp (which my
sons have attended).
After reading the postings on music I am very interested in JiggaJump by
Judy & David. at www.JiggaJump.com
In my room we collect songs and poems in a notebook. They will have this to
take home at the end of the year.
Just think of Gardner's Multiple Intelligences and you can see how some
kids are kinesthetic learners while others are rhythmical, musical or
I would also highly recommend a Brain Gym course. I have taken 2 courses
this year and love it.
"The Brain Gym system, a set of 26 specific movements readies the body to
learn by integrating visual, auditory, and kinesthetic functioning.
Stimulating the nervous system equally in all brain parts and strengthening
neural pathways between the 2 hemispheres, the activities effect rapid and
often dramatic improvements in concentration, memory, reading, writing,
organizing, listening, physical coordination and more".
I don't do this to increase test scores. I do this because it is fun and
kids need to move.
Learning is experience, movement is learning.  There seems to be a swing
back to brain based learning.
Hope my 2 cents worth helps.

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