> Do you think that people can value a book without thinking it's fun?  I'm 
> reading the book READING REASONS by Kelly Gallagher.  He says he wants his 
> students to value the books he assigns.  They do not necessarily have to 
> like the books.
> Jan

THE BIBLE has value, but many don't necessarily enjoy it, but I do think 
that if you enjoy it, you get more out of it.  By enjoyment, I mean ACTIVE 
reading.  When the time passes so quickly, you aren't even aware of the 
reading.  When you are in the Zone.  A lot of this depends on your purpose 
for reading.  Reading a phone book isn't pleasurable, but getting that pizza 
delivered is pleasureable.  If I read a sad book and cry at the end, is it 
considered "enjoyment?"  You bet!  Because I was actively involved in the 
story and had an emotional stake in the characters.

My comment was about teachers who don't think enjoyment is a factor to 
teaching reading.  To get BETTER at reading, you have to enjoy it. 
Otherwise, you won't continue.  That's true for anything.  If I suck at 
basketball, I won't go out and play.  Show me some moves, let me practice a 
little and I might change my opinion.  That's what we need to do for our 
kids.  Once they CAN read well, then they can give a book value.  Sometimes 
reading is necessary but not enjoyable.  I don't like a lot of the YA books, 
but I do read a few from time to time.  Hate Lemony Snicket and R.L.Stine, 
but I know they have value for the kids.

Gallagher also teaches high school and most of his reasons for reading are 
geared towards older students who (hopefully) are on their way to college so 
reading takes on more practical (i.e. money and jobs) stance.  I don't see 
using most of his reasons even for my middle schoolers...thinking of their 
futures is so far beyond their capabilities.  I think his book DEEPER 
READING is much better.


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