I so agree with you...I know it is harder than wishing them to do better. I  
simply reacted to something in the previous emails that seemed to write these  
kids off. Part of what I have been battling all along is the view that we 
send  kids to special ed and write them off...that has been the way it has been 
but I can see a glimmer of hope. The system is broken...but it is through  
speaking up, as you and I are doing, advocating for these kids, that we can  
to change the system. Keep up the great work. You do make a difference for  
these kids.
In a message dated 7/22/2007 8:09:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I'm just  so tired of platitudes and wishful thinking . Woe that  it was as  
easy as your story and we could just think they  were  smarter  and that'd 
it so.  But its time to face  reality. How can  we fix the problem if we 
willing to admit its  broken. These  children have special needs.  They need 
material presented   differently, more frequently, at a slower pace, etc. 
etc.   Instead what I see in my 20 some odd years, is that more and  more of  
the responsibility is being passed to the classroom teacher.    Somehow, we 
to miraculously help them to close the gap, while  balancing 25  other kids 
at the same time.    

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