> Absolutely true for me as well.  I love work.  I have noticed that the 
> more "requirements" the more energy required when reading and that is 
> work, but it is also true that it becomes fun.  Involvement is a better 
> word choice, although when I am lost in a good read with no requirements I 
> still feel involved.  Would you say that type of reading is less 
> involvement?  I fear  a perfect word to explain the differences between 
> the two types of reading may not exist. One type of reading definitely 
> takes more energy and tends to go slower, both require types of 
> involvement, both can be fun--but different types of fun, one requires 
> some delayed gratification and patience, is there a single word that shows 
> the difference? I am not sure...involvement might suffice...>

Maybe that's what real reading is.....ACTIVE READING.  If you are actively 
involved in the reading, you will get something from it.  INVOLVED READING? 
Nahhhh.  Perhaps we should call it ACTIVE READING.

> Here's another question for you...do you have to write thoughts and notes 
> 9track yoru thinking) in order to be more deeply involved?  I mean, in 
> certain types of reading, I no longer find notes necessary.  My 
> metacognitve self is working the whole time without the notes.  Does 
> putting it down in words make one go deeper, always?  Or, can one find 
> layers and go just as deep without writing down the bones?  Is discussion 
> as deep as writing it down? (I am not asking this rhetorically--I mean to 
> say that I notice writing has a certain power over my thinking--but I also 
> have seen times when writing got in the way of my reading--does that 
> happen to anyone else?).

I have never kept notes as I read besides "mental" notes.  Now, I might mark 
a phrase or paragraph with a post-it for future reference, but that's it.  I 
think discussion and writing can help add to the reading, though for harder 
material.  Reading James Joyce, for example, required reading the Cliff's 
Notes and some heavy thinking on my part.....


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