Yes, to me this would definitely fit a 504 plan, but according to them, we 
still have to have the documentation. I don't get it at all. Wonder how I could 
check this out? (Oh no, here I go. I'm probably going to get in so o o  much 
trouble. But if it helps her. . . )

Beverlee Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Amazing! In my state, this would be 
classified as "other health impaired" 
if indeed there has been a medical diagnosis. You feel for the tyke!

The EC folks tell me we still have to document 6 weeks of interventions!

Beverlee Paul wrote: In most states, there 
indeed is a fast track for something that can be
medically documented by a physician/pediatrician. Be sure to check that out
before you wait another cycle.

I'm collecting data for the SST team right now. The only services she got
last year was tutoring. I hadn't thought about Speech or OT. I'll bring it
up in 6 weeks when we meet again. Seems like this process is convoluted and
designed to keep kids like her from being successful. There should be a
quicker way to do this since we have medical documentation of her situation.
I'm very frustrated about this. I want this child to get all the help we can
give her, and my hands are tied. I HATE RED TAPE!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The issues that this girl struggles with sound
like issues the Speech and
Language Pathologist in our school works with. Does this girl receive any
services? Our Occupational Therapist also works with children with memory
problems. When I face issues like these, I usually consult with other
providers for ideas about the best ways to teach.


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