Cathy and Elisa got me thinking.
Cathy said:
Do we ever really master a comprehension strategy??? CathyK-5 DE
I said:
I'd say no because strategies are dependent on the uniqueness of the text you 
are comprehending.  BUT for the sake of argument..our district feels they need 
to see that kids grasped and applied what we taught, so they want some kind of 
assessment and we have to decide some level of mastery.
Elisa said:
I would think the common assessments would be about comprehending and not about 
the strategies. In other words, students should show they are comprehending 
what they read not that they use a particular strategy to do so. Does this make 
sense?> Elisa
I said:  Well the hope is that if they aren't comprehending we have some way of 
seeing what kind of thinking they are not doing, so first we do an assessment 
of what they can do.  We hope by assessing each strategy we'll be better 
prepared to have a plan on how to improve the comprehension.   It is a slippery 
slope.  But I am in a district that is very much about being able to assess 
what we teach.  It has me spinning on a regular basis...and the forest and 
trees are a blur.  
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