I have a hunch we're about to see a multitude of "me too's" on the chant

I'd like to remind everyone to contact people DIRECTLY when you want to be
included on a resource. 

Whenever people just instinctively hit "Reply", the message goes out to over
1250 people. This means that ~1249 list members get a message that should go
to just ONE person.

For more info on replying to list messages see:

Alternatively, if you ever have a resource you want to share with the entire
list, you can send it to me and I can post it on the Mosaic website. Then we
can provide a URL for everyone who wants the resource. Very easy to do.

So rather than saying you sent the document to a person, you can say: "I
will send the document to Keith and he will post it on the website."


Keith Mack
Web Administrator for Mosaic List

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