My newest book Beyond Retelling Toward Higher Level Thinking and Big Ideas
written by Patricia Cunningham and Debra Lynn Smith is available now!  


ISBN 10-0205542174

ISBN 13-978-0205542178


It is awesome for teaching THINKING THEME which is a specific strategy for
teaching comprehension.


It is nothing like a RAN chart or KWL, but it is similar in that it is a
specific way of teaching students to think deeply about their thinking.  


Many schools, classrooms, and specific kids who have learned this strategy
have raised their reading and writing scores on the high stakes test over
the last several years.  One district went from 3rd lowest in the county to
third highest in one year!  What I really appreciate about the strategy is
that the students actually are learning about thinking while reading, not
just a quick fix to a test taking skill!  


Do I sound excited?  YES!  I can't believe that my book is actually
published.  I also am excited because other teachers across the country can
try what I have found to be so successful!  By the way, I tried out the
lessons in lots of different types of classrooms.  We had  awesome results
in high poverty classrooms.  I worked with a school that only had 10 percent
free lunch.  The scores here went up too!  The results were also incredible
with ELL kids also.  Every subgroup went up.  We are closing the gap and
making a difference.  


My staff development involves training, modeling, coaching, and
collaborative conversations with teachers as an author and consultant.   I
have also had the honor of presenting at International Reading Association
the last several years including last year.   I recently shared my book at
the Arkansas IRA conference. I will be at Michigan's Reading Conference in


Happy Thinking Theme!

Deb Renner Smith


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