Well said, Gina and Jill. I have read other research, maybe Alfred Tatum(?), 
about the competitive nature of many reading incentive programs being esp. bad 
for the very ones that need help the most -? struggling, minority boys. 
However, my very bright competitive nephew hated AR as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jill Wadkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: mosaic@literacyworkshop.org
Sent: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 12:52 pm
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] STAR

Excellent Point!  Alfie Kohn wrote a book titled Punished by Rewards.  In it he 
addresses AR, Book It (pizza Hut), and Six Flags Reading Club among other 

I agree with you regarding STAR.   Using this will only provide a level, and 
a very accurate one at that.  

Jill Waldrep Wadkins
Academic Coach
Sanders Intermediate School
770.819.2568  ext. 223

>>> gina nunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 3/10/2008 1:26 PM >>>
The teachers I know who like it are those who want a quick assessment.  I also 
personally feel like most of them aren't interested in truly KNOWING the child 
as a reader.  Getting a reading level does not guide instruction beyond putting 
the right book in their hands.  And I know more people who disagree with the 
accuracy of the STAR leveling than agree with it.  If I were to use it, I would 
only use it as a screener to decide who to QRI.  The other downside of STAR is 
that it is almost always connected with AR reading which I abhor.  I am a sixth 
grade teacher and you should hear the collective moan in my classroom from the 
kids who were forced to use AR in the elementary world.  The only students I 
know who liked it were the highly competitive ones who liked the leveling  
were also the profcient readers)  and the competition with points.  I do not 
believe it ever assisted a struggling reader in becoming more proficient.

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