During some insomnia last night, I was thinking about the saturate/soak
vocabulary discussion:

        In my Los Angeles area 2nd grade classroom, I work with many
Mexican-American second language learners (and a few otherlanguage learners
plus some language-deprived English only students).  Often, a child may tell
me something like,"It was so hot Saturday I wet myself."  I have explained
many times that in English the word "wet" can be an active verb as in "Wet
the paintbrush by dipping it in the cup of water."  Or a passive
verb/adjective in "I got wet when I slipped in the puddle."  But that in
common English, I wet myself means I peed my pants! The students giggle, but
continue to misuse the word.

        I was thinking about how teaching more specific vocabulary would help
eliminate this confusion.  They could learn:
        Moisten the towel. or  Make the towel moist.

        Soak the paper.  or Be sure the paper is soaked.

        I dried my soaking wet hair.  or  I dampened my hair before styling it.

        I got wet in the sprinklers.  I sprayed my sister.  I squirted my 
I drenched my dad.  I splashed my mom.  We were all dripping wet.  Even our
underwear was drenched.

        All this language to teach and so little time it seems!  Carol

-----Original Message-----

Researchers now believe that students in primary grades can acquire
more advanced words earlier than previously thought, reports Laura
Pappano in her article "Small Kids, Big Words: Research- Based
Strategies for Building Vocabulary from Pre- K to Grade 3" in Harvard
Education Letter. "You can learn ˜saturated' before you learn

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