It is so good to have your thoughtful, talented, generous voice back!
On Thursday, July 10, 2008, at 05:26  PM, ginger/rob wrote:

> I'm continuing how I teach my class our procedures.
> Ginger W.
> +++++++++++++++
> Next I say this to them: "You know how when the teacher asks a  
> question and
> you get your thinking ready and everyone raises their hand to answer  
> but
> she/he can only call on one person?  And when she doesn't call on you,  
> you
> hear that inner voice saying, 'Man! I wanted her to call on ME!!!'??   
> Well I
> have a better way I'm going to teach you so that EVERYONE can have  
> their
> thinking shared.  Because I know that everyone has great answers and  
> great
> ideas and great thinking.  So I'm going to teach you something called  
> and TALK.  This is how it works."
> I ask them to find someone right next to them who will become their  
> thinking
> partner.  I walked around helped them pair up.  If there is an odd  
> number I
> help one group make a threesome.  If I noticed eye rolling or heard  
> groans
> (because of who I had paired up) I had this little talk with them  
> next---
> "Now I know that kids really just like to turn and talk with kids they  
> are
> used to.  But you know what?  That's not what we're going to do this  
> year.
> In a minute I am going to have you turn and talk about that but before  
> I do-
> this is how turn and talk LOOKS and SOUNDS.  (I charted this on the  
> next
> page of my two column T-chart- see below.) When I say 'Turn and talk
> about....' you need to turn your body towards your talking partner.  
> Some
> people say 'Get knee to knee and eye to eye'.  This is actually Active
> Listening, isn't it?  I want you to start your talking this way: 'I'm
> thinking........'  And be sure to add on the word BECAUSE and keep  
> going
> with your thinking.  So instead of just saying, for example, 'I'm  
> thinking
> that it should be quiet.' Say: 'I'm thinking it should be quiet  
> because that
> way we can all concentrate on doing our work.'  Piggyback (add to)onto  
> what
> you hear your partner say.  Go deep with your thoughts. Use hand  
> gestures as
> you are talking."
> two (sometimes three with odd numbers) students together
> facing each other eye to eye, knee to knee
> mouths moving
> hand gestures
> talking together in small groups
> piggybacking- adding more on to thinking
> using examples
> "I'm thinking...............because......"
> Then I  go on to say, "O.K.  Now I want you to turn and talk about  
> what is
> GOOD about having the chance to turn and talk to different kids each  
> day.
> Be sure to add the 'because......' .
> They INSTANTLY turn and talk and my job is to walk around and listen  
> in. If
> I notice a group not facing each other I nudge them to turn towards  
> each
> other.  If I notice a group not talking, I scoot down by them and  
> facilitate
> their talk.  I rephrase the talking point and help them talk it out.   
> If I
> notice groups who are "done" I have them look at the groups who are  
> still
> going at it and suggest that possibly there is much more to say about  
> it and
> ask them to say more about their thinking and remind them to add
> BECAUSE.......
> After just about 1-2 minutes (while they are still going at it) I say,
> "Let's come back together."  I may have to say that two times.  I tell  
> them
> that when I say that it means turn back facing me (active listening).
> Sometimes they are frustrated because they are "not done" but I tell  
> them
> that's o.k.  I'm sure they got to share something that was important.
> Keeping the talking time short helps the lesson keep moving and what my
> purpose is, is to let ALL voices be heard and to engage ALL minds in  
> the
> lesson.
> I then tell them at I am going to teach them the next step in TURN and  
> That they each got to hear the thinking of their thinking partner but  
> the
> rest of us would like to hear some of that thinking as well.  I tell  
> them,
> "O.k.  This is how we are going to do this next part.  When it is the  
> "share
> back whole group" part, you can share back something YOU said during  
> and TALK or something you heard YOUR PARTNER say.  When I ask who has
> something to share, and I call on you to share, this is how I want you  
> to
> say it: 'Nancy and I were thinking.......... because .......' or 'Dan  
> and I
> were thinking.........   because........' And I'll help you remember  
> this
> part. So who would like to share?"
> When I call on someone I remind everyone else to "do" Active  
> Listening.  I
> have that person wait until everyone is "doing" Active Listening.  If  
> he
> starts looking at me when he begins to talk, I point to the group and  
> I say,
> "Tell the kids, not me."  If he starts without the "Nancy and I were
> thinking" part I DO interrupt him and say the words I want HIM to say.
> ("Nancy and I were thinking.....") Sometimes even when I do that they  
> don't
> get the HINT to word it that way and so I say, "No, I want you to  
> start over
> and say, 'Nancy and I were thinking...'.  (YES this interrupts the  
> FLOW but
> I have learned the hard way that if I don't MAKE them say it the way I  
> want
> them to say it they simply don't do it.  They really DO catch on after  
> a few
> times like this!)  I tend to just ask about 2-4 people to share back  
> whole
> group.  I know some people don't take the time to do this but besides  
> me
> hearing where they are at with their thinking, I believe sharing back  
> whole
> group creates models for those who are not yet at the deeper thinking  
> level
> of most of the kids.  Those kids will hear the stronger thinkers and  
> will
> strive to get there. Another reason I want to hear sharing back whole  
> group
> is to reinforce, reteach, redirect any misconceptions or gaps in
> understanding.
> One suggestion for older students- I would say that we are going to  
> leave at
> the door if we are a boy or a girl because it is not going to matter  
> who it
> is or if they are a boy or girl when we turn and talk.  We ALL have  
> good
> thinking to share and it will no longer be o.k. to just share girl to  
> girl
> and boy to boy.  We are all thinkers and all thinking will be valued  
> and
> encouraged.  I would tell them that I will be watching to see that  
> they are
> choosing to sit in different places when we come over to our gathering  
> area
> rather than just sitting by the same people.  So that they will be  
> able to
> enjoy and learn from receiving the thinking of ALL their peers in their
> class.
> I LOVE turn and talk. When I ask my class to turn and talk about why  
> it is
> good to turn and talk with lots of different kids and not just the  
> same kid
> each time, they give back whole group exactly what I would have said  
> if I
> had chosen to just TELL them why. It takes me out of the  
> EXPERT/transmitter
> of THE information role.  They each get the opportunity
> (in a very structured and comfortable way) to share their thoughts.   
> All
> thoughts are heard.  Based on my experiences, turn and talk bumps up
> engagement in all subject areas.  I started doing turn and talk during  
> math
> and science and social studies.  Whenever I would have previously just
> called on one student.  You can walk around an hear their thinking if  
> you do
> it when they are at their desks as well as in the gathering area.
> I always have to remind myself that going over this one time is not  
> enough.
> Depending on the group, I may have several thinking pairs model what it
> looks like/sounds like for the class and then have the class turn and  
> talk
> about what they noticed and heard.  I even often ask the class BEFORE  
> hand
> to turn and talk about what I should see/hear when we do turn and talk
> today.  Then have a few share back.  And then of course have them  
> reflect on
> how it went at the end of the shared part of our reading workshop.
> After just rereading this email it sounds a bit ANAL--  on paper it  
> does but
> not in practice.  Once my kids are "trained" each year in these  
> processes to
> help us facilitate our thinking, the work I have in store for them  
> will be
> easier to accomplish and we'll have greater success.  When they  
> backslide, I
> go back to these beginning "training" steps and redo it.  I think one  
> reason
> our "management" breaks down is because we think if we've taught it  
> they
> should do it.  But kids are kids and if they need reteaching and  
> reaffirming
> from us to bring them back to our expectations then that is OUR job  
> and not
> a fault of theirs.  My ultimate goal is to have a smooth flowing  
> reading
> workshop (and day in general) so that we can do the work at hand.  I've
> found doing all the upfront work pays off in the end.
> Pt. 3 in next email.
> Ginger W.
> grade 3
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