Hi Wendy - You've gotten such thoughtful replies, and I'd like to kind of
sum up my experience and these replies and say:  I think he'd need to have a
truly compelling reason (not an excuse) to change to this and I think he'd
have kind of a hard time doing so.  He needs to think, "In what way would
these children be better served out of the classroom rather than in the
classroom?"  If there's no really good answer, I think the conclusion is
obvious.  Bev

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 5:16 PM, chelo echaves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> hello Wendy
> I am not a teacher in the sense that most of you here are but I love
> reading and am involved in our own Public Library here in Cebu City,
> Philippines. My love for reading is whats keeping me here at MOSAIC :-) I
> learn alot here and not just about reading. I learn about people's
> generosity and bigness of heart always trying to find ways to help and
> better themselves in order to be better at  helping children read-Amazing!
> Anyways, experiencially I do this-I do what my gut feel tells me to do. You
> are your best and worst critic but I can sense your deep love for children
> to find their way through reading. so I am definite you will do whats best.
> Blessings
> Chelo
> --- On Thu, 9/10/08, Wendy Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Wendy Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [MOSAIC] Your thoughts
> To: "Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email" <
> mosaic@literacyworkshop.org>
> Date: Thursday, 9 October, 2008, 6:19 AM
> My principal just asked us (again) today about how we would feel about
> ability
> grouping kids for reading across a grade level.  So, all the low kids go to
> one
> of the 2nd grade teachers, all the low-mid go to a different 2nd grade
> teacher,
> all the middle kids go to another 2nd grade teacher and so on.  We would do
> this
> during a time in our reading block when the ELP or TAG kids leave the room
> and
> the lowest kids leave the room for extra help.  I'm not really thrilled
> with
> this idea and many teachers in the building feel the same way.  Do any of
> you do
> this grouping within your reader's workshop?  I just don't think it is
> the appropriate time to do that.  I've worked hard to train my kids how
> reader's workshop runs, they get to choose books, and have longer periods
> of
> time to read.  Many of the teachers in the building do small guided groups,
> however, I am the only one using a reader's workshop approach.  He has
> brought this topic to the table time and time again and we always tell him
> we
> don't want to use that approach, but for some reason he keeps pushing it.
>  I
> realize there's not just one way to teach reading, but I've seen such
> great results with reader's workshop and comprehension strategies that I
> would hate to see that all go away.  I'd love your thoughts on this
> "set-up".  I think if I have more input I might not judge it so
> harshly.  My first reaction is NO WAY!  Thanks in advance!
> Wendy
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