First, I would highly recommend reading Growing Readers (Collins) and Reading 
With Meaning (Miller). They will help you immensely with your lesson planning. 
Secondly, I completely understand your frustrations- I am actually doing my 
Master's research on comprehension strategies and have found the reader's 
workshop format the best for my group (a flexible, high-ability reading group 
in 2nd grade that I have for 45 min. 5 days a week). What I am currently doing 
is choosing a strategy a month (last month was making connections) and I 
usually read a picture book and we discuss connections that we make. We might 
take a few days on one book or refine our connections with different quality 
books but I usually do a mini-lesson that is 10-15 minutes. I then have them 
think about applying that strategy to the book they have chosen (a "Good Fit" 
book from Daily 5). We have 10-15 minutes of sharing time at the end where the 
kids are able to share their connections with the group. It has been working 
marvelously for my 2nd graders. We are on visualization and my students are 
loving it! I hope this helps you!
MN, Grade 2
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