"But what I see are teachers who bring "teaching" reading into social
studies and their "teaching" consists of
reading a class novel, usually historical fiction, and answering
comprehension questions. There is no strategy instruction, no independent
reading a book of choice, no reading conferences. "
The comment above has been my concern during this school year as I have
visited classrooms. I see many of our elementary teachers using many
chapter books throughout their reading instruction (whole group or guided
reading). I see teachers telling students to read a chapter and then "we'll
talk about it when you've finished reading." Very little purposes for
reading are given and the much of discussion is at the literal level without
enough opportunity for conversations about the book among the students. I
hope that part of our professional development next year will center around
using more effective instruction when using novels.
Lucy Calkins talks about teaching the writer, not the writing. I think this
applies to reading as well. Teachers need to move toward teaching the
reader, not the reading. If the instruction centered around a strategy,
students would still understand the reading, but they would also have a
strategy to carry forward in their future reading.
I do think that thematic units can be effective in increasing students'
background knowledge and vocabulary. Our district has a basal which is
structured around a weekly theme with 2-3 reading selections (non-fiction
and fiction) that support the theme. There is also a weekly comprehension
strategy that is taught through the selections. Our primary grade teachers
have a small amount of time to teach science and social studies, so the
thematic units are helpful.
Thank you,
elementary language arts facilitator
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