Good question, Nancy. If you replaced me, you would get one new classroom  
teacher. That would make one grade level go from 5 teachers to 6 teachers. 
It  would help our class sizes go from 25 to 20 in that grade. What about the 
 other grades?
What I feel I bring as reading specialist is my knowledge of reading  
instruction. I have more in my bag of tricks. SO... not only do I reduce the  
student teacher ratio in the class I am working in, I also leave my teaching  
partner with more tricks up her sleeve than she knows now. I also learn from 
the  teacher I work with. I spread those ideas to the next teacher I coteach 
with.  After doing this for 7 years the knowledge of our staff has 
grown...and I  include me in that mix. We just got a new principal who was 
a reading  specialist...she believes that my staff is light years ahead of 
most of the  schools she has worked in in regards to their knowledge of best 
practices.  People didn't learn about the comprehension strategies from an 
inservice. They  saw me teach this way, they tried to teach with me there to 
coach and when I  left their class to teach with someone else, they had new 
practices established.  So... all kids, eventually, did benefit.
We have often talked on this list about how important it is to have someone 
 to collaborate we all long to share ideas and learn from and 
with  someone we work with. My teachers, who resisted this at first, now love 
it. It  has helped to change the culture and it has been benefiting many 
I don't pretend for a minute that this was just because of me...there was  
supportive administration and our math specialist works in a similar way. 
I know not all schools might respond to a reading specialist the way mine  
responded to me....but it is working for us. 
In a message dated 5/2/2009 2:24:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Why not  just put all the money that is spent on coaches and specialists,   
hire more classroom teachers and reduce teacher/student ratio so that  ALL  
children will benefit?


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