I apologize in advance for this very lengthy and somewhat rookie question.

I have been teaching for 6 years.  My first year I was told I needed to
complete running records on each student.  That was it.  No kit (didn't
even know there was such a thing at the time) and no benchmarks or goals
as to what fourth grade students should be reading at.  I went into the
Literacy Lab and made my own kit, pulling books from the leveled reader
library.  I did running records on each student 3 times that year with no
clear purpose or goal.  My second year, a Literacy Facilitator was hired. 
When I asked her about it, she told me my kit was fine and gave me a guide
as to what levels were expected at each grade level.  I was told that
fourth grade needed to be reading at a level 40 by the end of fourth
grade.  That said, our leveled readers only went up to Level 40.  So I've
never been exactly clear as to what was expected of fifth grade.

A few years ago, we got a new Literacy Facilitator.  She made new levels. 
Third grade students should be reading at a Level 32 by the end of the
year, fourth grade a Level 36, and fifth grade a Level 40.  Once again, I
thought this was terribly convenient, since our leveled reader library
only went to Level 40.  Also, she told us to formally assess the students
every month.

Suddenly, halfway through this school year, our principal decided everyone
should have a kit for doing running records.  He polled each teacher.  K-1
had one kit (not sure of which one), 2-3 had Rigby, I (fourth grade) had
my own make-shift kit, and fifth grade had a DRA kit.  One was ordered for
me.  It was Rigby.  It only goes up to Level 30 so this year I could have
used it on a total of 2 students.

I became very confused and began researching.  Everything I have seen,
says that students should be reading at a Level 38 by the end of third

I guess my questions are:  Is it normal for schools to be so haphazard
with what assessment they are using?  What (if they exist) are standard
expected levels for each grade?  I am unfamiliar with DRA but the DRA kit
that fifth grade uses has Level 24, 28, 34, 38, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80. 
What about the in-between levels?  Our North Carolina End-Of-Grade tests
are lexiled.  Shouldn't the levels we expect our kids to be reading at
match the state tests?

I know all of this is very elementary and I should have probably figured
this out before now.  However, I am very confused about all of this (as
you may be able to tell in my ramblings) and have asked all of this to our
Literacy Facilitator who keeps telling me to just keep doing what I've
been doing.  Please help me understand this!  If you have any great books,
websites, or other resources, I don't mind learning on my own.  I just
need some guidance because I just can't seem to wrap my mind around this!  

Angela Hatley Almond, NBCT
Fourth Grade
East Albemarle Elementary School

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