Hello everyone, 


I teach 3rd grade and every year I go through students writing stories about
guns/violence or scary "not Halloween" stories.  I teach in a rural area and
students do hunt and we talk about the difference between writing a story
with a gun that is about hunting or "video game" violence.  Last year I had
a child obsessed with writing scary stories and I eventually let him write
but he could not share with the whole class because I had kids that would
get scared.  


I am wondering how you handle this in your room.  I don't want every story
to only be a "happily ever after" story or stop them from writing but I need
to have some limits.


I just had a little boy write this story and he is SOOOOO excited and he
wants to share it.  I don't want to dampen his enthusiasm for writing but..


"Scary" is presumed here because they are Halloween prompts and we talk
about the difference here as well.  Although maybe I shouldn't even
encourage this with the prompts.


It began with a prompt I got from Laura Candler: No one was ever seen going
into the old house at the end of the street.  No one was ever seen coming
out.  So when my friends and I saw lights flickering in the attic, we just
had to go check it out..


Here is what he wrote:  When I went in I had to climb a creaky staircase.
Creeeeeeeeek.  Finally I got to the top.  I looked over to the other wall.
I saw a AK47.  I grabbed it.  When I looked back I saw..dancing skeleton
dragging a chest full of candy.  I ran up to the skeletons and said "eat
led" BBBBBBBBBB Bones were scattered all over the place.  I went home and
ate all of the candy.  Buuuurp.  The end.


Should I go back and  help him think of "another way, without the gun to get
the candy"

Just not let him share it with the whole group.

Let him share it and use it as a lesson about not using the guns- maybe have
the class brainstorm other ways to get the candy.

It is early in the year and I want to get this under control now.  


The other problem I have is kids writing something that happened in a movie
or tv show.  Sometimes I think they have a good story but when they read it
to the class the kids are like.that happened on "blah, blah, blah"...


HELP>>>> Sue



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