Keep it Simple and Explicit! Model using think-alouds.

Simplify the objective and explicitly convey it to students.

Choose literature that will be easy for teachers to interact with to model the objective using think-alouds. Interact authentically with the literature. By this I mean, if you question, let it show in your voice and actions. If you experience a wow moment with the literature, let the kids see it! Be real! Students don't always know when the teacher is reading aloud and when they are thinking aloud. It might help if you tell them that, when you share your thoughts, you will point to your brain and look away from the book.

Model the objective as often as necessary so students get the idea of how they should be thinking in their heads as they read. Then let them practice using actual literature on their own reading level, while you monitor and help guide their thinking. Literature groups could be helpful here. Give them practice time often.

Discuss the needed elements to accomplish the objective. Make a poster of student thoughts to remind them. Put it on the wall.

Then give them a printed selection to assess their achievement of the objective. Help them see their progress. Debrief as a class; always let the students share their successes and difficulties.

Always encourage them; not all reading strategies are use with every text.

Sent respectfully to encourage you,


----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 8:02 AM
Subject: [MOSAIC] help with remediation of reading objectives

Any advice/resources on how to reteach these would be greatly appreciated.


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