This may not be the best place to ask, but I thought I would try...
I teach fourth grade, this is my first year there, after moving up from 3rd. I am also grade level chair and have just myself and two brand new teachers on my grade level.

I have been asked to participate in an intervention block for my grade level.test scores aren't where we would like them to be and we need to make AYP this year or we will have more sanctions.

Here are the objectives that my students are low on...Any advice/resources on how to reteach these would be greatly appreciated.

1. Identify key words and discover their meanings and relationship through a variety of strategies. (I take this to be context clues, although the language of the objective is not clear, in my opinion).

2. Respond to fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama using interpretive, critical and evaluative processes by:
    a.  Analyzing the impact of authors' word choice and context
     b.  Examining the reasons for characters' action
     c.  Identifying and examining characters' motives
d Considering a situation or problem from different characters' point of view
     e.   Analyzing differences among genres
f. Making inferences and drawing conclusions about characters, events, and themes

3. Analyze characters, events, and plots within and between selections and cite supporting evidence.

4. Analyze and integrate information from one or more sources to expand understanding of text including graphs, charts and/or maps.

I would greatly appreciate any help that could be provided. The powers that be want the teachers to plan for this remediation themselves. However...I am trying to understand how that is wise, since they planned the first time and the students didn't master the skill.


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